Sunday, November 03, 2002

3rd song of the day - Michelle Branch - Goodbye to You (because of Tawni I got it stuck in my head)

Hmmm....the day didn't go as plan yet that was what I expected. I went to class and only half the people showed up. Amber called up for help in math so I spent some time helping her. Then Adam called and wanted to know if I wanted to eat dinner with him later. I told him that I would if I didn't watch Sweet Home Ala with Tawni. Yup and as expected I didn't watch SHA. Tawni's dad wouldn't come home til 8 so she had to stay home to watch her bro. I guess that means 5 weeks and no SHA. She rescheduled it so that we'll watch it first thing after school on Thur since we have early release. I talked to her a while since we were both home alone. It started getting dark so I talked to her while driving around the neighborhood. After we got off the phone I went to Adam's house to go eat dinner. He drove me to Mickey D's and I got a double quarter pounder with Fry's and a slice of pumpkin pie. I was pretty hungry since I had to breakfast or dinner. Adam wanted me to do my homework at his house but I declined. When I got home I watched 8 legged freaks. Good movie, kinda sad how they made Az look like a bumpkin state. When my fam got home, my parents went to the nursing home to get the pts. so they left me and Baitos home. I went to the bathroom and when I came back Barbie said that she saw the lights turn on by themselves. I didn't wanna go up there but I finally did with a big samurai scary....Well that's it for 2nite later blogsta

O one more thing it's been 5 weeks and no SHA so here is what happened those 5 weeks
week 1- I didn't wanna go by myself
week 2- I was about to go with Adam but Frank tagged along so we opted for Transporter
Week 3- about to go but Jason calls and convinces me to stay and watch SNL at his house (boringest SNL ever with Sen. John McKaine as host)
Week 4- I give Tawni my # but it was written poorly so she thought my 2 was a 7
Week 5- Tawni's dad didn't come home til 8 and the only time left was at 10:45
Week 6- ?????
So in conclusion, maybe fate doesn't want me to see SHA....


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