Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Song Of The Day - Backstreet Boys - Spanish Eyes
Currently Feeling - Good

Well I didn't get a chance to write in my blog yesterday because I was sooo tired. So I'll recap what happened yesterday. Jason was angry cuz I didn't call his cell on Sat. Adam isn't gonna get his car until next week. I went home at lunch to get some aspirin and when I came back I almost hit a parked car because as I was going over a speed bump Leslie and Leah honked their horn at me and since I wasn't all there it caught me by surprise and the volvo swerved a little. Yeah that would have sucked. Well last nite I decided to pick up my Capt. Mallow. I went right afterschool but right when I park the car my dad calls asking me to stop by the hospital to pick up a check. So I do and I pick up Barbie, I drop her off then go to the mall. From there let's just say that I went back and forth between home, Petsmart, and the mall. So I bought my cage and some other stuff although I need to buy a couple more items. Most importantly I bought Mal Mal. I felt a little bad because this little girl was like "ah that bunny is sooo cute, daddy let's get him" but the salesclerk was like "he's already got an owner sweetie". I felt bad but at the same time relieved that I got him when I did. Anyways I went to petsmart but was so confused on what to buy, I tried to call Tawni but she wasn't home so I ended up calling my lil sis to go call her friend and see what to buy. I got home and put him in his cage. It was so sad because he was so scared of me. He just stayed in the corner of his cage until I left then he started moving around. After it was all done I was so tired that I was about to collapse. That was about it for last nite.

Now onto 2day......well in the middle of the night I woke up to Mal Mal tearing up his carboard box toy I gave him. It took me about another hour to fall back to sleep. I guess I also talked in my sleep last nite although I don't remember my dream. My dad woke me up cuz I overslept and he asked me who Tawni was. He said that I said her name while sleeping. I just said she was one of my friends. lol pretty funny! School was alright, but kinda tired due to lack of sleep. Hmm.....Tawni saw what I meant when I said a lot of peeps were giving me heat over spending movie over Mal Mal. Jeff was the one this time but his original idea was to go out to the park and capture some. Jennifer Stufflebeam came up to me today which was the first time in a long time that we talked. I think she used to like me Soph year but I just wanted to be friends and it would get weird cuz Ian would always make fun of her saying such things such as "cookie dough". I didn't feel bad though becuz I thought Ian was justified in saying mean things 2 her. Anyways I don't think anything else of note happened 2day at school. Afterschool I put together my bed frame and had to move Mal Mal to the sunroom. I think he'll enjoy it better. I finally got to hold him, he's really soft and I felt comfortable holding him. Mal Mal really likes my dad he just stayed in his arms. That is until he pissed on my dad. It was pretty funny. We let Mal Mal hop around the house for a little bit then put him back in his cage. hmm I know I'm missing some stuff so if I remember I'll write it down.


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