Monday, November 18, 2002

Song Of The Day - Starting Line - Hold On
Currently Feeling - good but sick

Yup another Monday but this one was pretty good, but first yesterday. Let's see I went to church, came home and chilled on the computer. Talked to Tawni a couple times online. Ummm....went to burger king with Adam....I ordered a double cheeseburger but they forgot an important ingredient to the cheeseburger...the cheese....I would have complained but I don't like having spit in my food so I ate in anyways....I kicked it at Adams for a little then came home and brought food to Barbie....Picked up my mom then started my homework....I was sooo tired that I was trying to find ways to stay up....

On to today...went to school early to retake my test in HCT. Went to T-Bird for clinicals...talked to Tawni for a little bit since it takes a while to get to the clinicals...Had hospice as my clinical....almost threw up because I saw the pts shit.....I gagged 3 times and had to step outside.....Math helped Amber and drifted off into deep thought....went home washed the car.....picked up mom and Barbie and now I'm here...... today is math homework day

Random Stuff...

Tomorrow I'm gonna go to petsmart and take a look at the cages.....I want a large cage but it has to be one floor.......

The Volvo looks real nice right now but I can tell with my luck, rain will come out of nowhere and rain on it for a min before leaving....

This has been bugging me for quite a while but I don't think I've ever written about it.........I never would have thought my mood can change from great to the shtts and back to great only to go back to the shits so when I talk to Tawni I always feel real good but then I hear Amber talk about Tawni and Paul not officially going out yet and that brings my mood back down to reality. When I first found out Amber was good friends with Tawni I thought she would be able to help me out, but I never knew that her and Paul were real good friends that she's turned into one of my numberous obstacles in my way. I'm not mad or upset at her or anything like that and she knows that I really like Tawni so I always wonder why she always says things like that loud enough for me to hear.


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