The Green Lantern
Currently Feeling- Relaxed
Picture of the Day - Deeds, Bot, and Sarah looking down on at the camera...
Spring Break is finally here! It wasn't a bad week, the only problem being willing myself to finish out the week. Nothing really special happened in school, just went through the motions. My little sister was down for a couple days for DECA so i hung out with her and her friend Amanda for a bit. On Tues i also chilled and hung out with some of Shannon's friends who were over drinking. Wednesday I had to go to Lunafest which was a women's film festival primarily about.....women.....i was loathing going a bit because it was going to already be a long day but it was pretty interesting. I couldn't find anyone to go with me but luckily i saw someone in my WS class and i sat next to her. After that i went home and watched the rest of the suns game before going over to Shannon's sisters house with Shannon to look at the puppies. They are sooo cool, for pictures just look under my myspace. Then on Thursday there was a party at Tara's house to celebrate Spring Break. I originally didn't want to drink but i altered my plan and juste didnt' take any shots. Before i went though, i had to run a bunch of errands and i kept on forgetting things so i had to keep driving back to my apartment. I went to the store and picked up some ingredients for a Green Lantern.....A green latern consists of 1oz hpnotiq, 1oz vodka, and 1oz red bull. Afterwards i went to campus and picked up Alysha and then we headed over to Tara's. When we got there people seemed pretty messed up already so i began drinking. The Green Lantern was pretty good although i put way too much vodka the 3rd time. The night then got pretty hazy although i do remember, i just went through time lapses. I remember Brandon telling me to "go for it" more or less as well as talking to Botch and Sarah and apparently telling them what they already knew.....Anyways i took a crapload of pictures and played some beer pong. I then had Frank pick me up and we got food and hung out before i KO'ed.
This morning I woke up at 8 and tried to write my paper. It's pretty shitty but whatever. Frank and me got some Taco Bell and then he dropped me off at my car, as i was about to pull out Tara pulled in so i went inside and talked to her for a bit then picked up my leftover alcohol. I then headed to campus to print out my paper, then headed over to the WS building to turn in my paper. Now i'm at home just relaxing.
Random Things.....
- Tomorrow im heading back to Phx til probably Monday.
- The girl I referred to in my last post I've never mentioned in my blog before. So why the ambiguity? Two reasons: one because i dont' know her name and two, well i think one or two people could ID who i'm talking about if i wrote a more detailed description of where I've seen her.
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