Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hitting the First Road Bump

Song Of The Day- The Shins - Kissing the Lipless
Currently Feeling- Ugggg

First off I don't know if i'll finish this blog tonight so the writing of this blog may sound a little scattered. Anyways i'll jump straight to it, the title of the post refers to me hitting my first wall so to speak. I guess it started yesterday but seems to be bad today. The lack of drive to do homework well is lacking right now. I think with the tests last week and the tediousness of this week has taken a toll on me. I'm not worried, i think it's natural that i was gonna hit a wall sooner or later and i'm sure i'll snap out of it in a day or two. But for now there is no motivation, i guess there could also be a couple other unrelated reasons for that but that's just a possibility, nothing for sure. Anyways took my econ test today and blew it out of the water. The rest of the day went normal, made some delicious chicken. Then i went to watch Dancer in the Dark. I won't lie i did not have high hopes for the movie. The movie was really really weird, but there was redeeming qualitites about it that would make me say it was a pretty good movie. The downside of it was that it was 2hours 30minutes. I think that took a lot out of me. Anyways i got home at 8 so i had to TiVo "ESPN".

Random Things....

- Tomorrow is the dreaded/loved Valentines Day. Depending on ur relationship status obviously makes it love/hate. All i know is tomorrow i'm gonna be seeing a lot of red and pink.

- I'm also a little dissapointed inmyself in my decisionmaking as of late. I think i was faced with an ultimatum (at least in my head) and instead of doing/not doing, i chose middle ground. ahhh middle ground, I know thy so well. I mulled over for awhile, and to be honest i thought that i made my mind for action. However in the hour of power, I did "wilt" a little and essentially copped out. Anyways to say that that hasn't played a slight factor into the burnout would be a lie. But that is temporary and the long term effect is the regret and also since it was an ultimatum to myself, i ultimately made my choice of action vs no action and for me middle ground means no action so that is where that line is drawn and i will live with that decision.

-I cut my blog there because i will probably say something i will regret so alas goodnite and happy valentines day for whover reads this day/tomorrow.


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