Like A Pendulum

Currently Feeling- Lazy
Picture of the Day - J Love just looking nice.........
This week I've have been in crazy study mode for my Pchem/Physics test. The Physics test of course was Thurs while the Pchem test was Fri.....I guess it could have been worse, Jbot had a Vec Calc test Weds. Anyways ya Mon-Weds was just massive studying. I even neglected going to some classes trying to finagle some more study time. I thought i was prepared for both tests although clearly there is definately a mental roadblock with Physics. It just scares me like no one else. I mean i think i'm justfied in that fear but I usually don't study that much for a test yet i never feel ready for it nor do i ever do as good as i should do. This test included, I did alright (i think i haven't gotten the grade back) but i know i got a 20 pt question wrong. After i finished the test, i didn't have much time to feel relieved because i had to go study like a mug with Pchem. Pchem is odd because the whole time i never felt too stressed about the test. This is odd because it's a mix of Physics and Chem, and the physics was some stuff that i struggled in last semester. Anyways it was Emily, Jbot, Steve, and Chris studying in the chem lounge. I didn't notice anything until after i was told but apparently Chris cheated off Emily's lab so they both got zeros. I don't think i've ever really mentioned Chris on my blog but he's an alright person but he can definately wear thin quick. O ya i was also hawked up on coffee so that plus the weird mental state i was in due to the studying, left me pretty antsy and as noted by Emily, I was definately acting a little odd haha. ANyways last night i took the test, and at first i didn't think i did great but after looking at the exam key, i think i did pretty well. After the test i then hung out in the lounge eating apples then got coffee with bot and emily. We then went to Financial offices because she lost one of her checks. I then went back home and chilled for a bit before going to the store with Bot so he could get some alcohol while i got some lunch. I ended up getting some french bread with cheese for lunch along with a guinness. I then talked to Vicky for a while on the phone since i haven't been able to talk to her since she got back. I then popped in Stranger than Fiction, which i thought was a really good movie but different than what the trailers showed. The ending was predictable though, i was hoping for a sadder ending. After the movie, i took a nap and then watched the suns game. After that i just watched tv and veg out at home instead of doing anything.
Today, I'm probably going to run some errands and then i should see if anything is going down.
Random Things.....
- Ya i know this blog is pretty point A to point B in terms of how i wrote it but i'm writing it in a bit of a rush.
- Like a Pendulum that moves back and forth.......
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