Charmin Mega Rolls....Nice Thought but doesn't quite work

Currently Feeling- Normal
Picture of the Day - This is a picture of a security system that someone built. The shutter speed was set at 30 secs. Haha pretty cool but the security system is pretty easy to go around.
Well another day, another post I assume. Haha i'm not exactly how to start this one though because normally there is some pressing issue that i want to address (although lately I only mention it here not address) but today I'm feeling pretty neutral so I guess I'll just start off from where i left off and go from there.
Saturday, I hit up the mall and got a couple of polo shirts and some new kicks. I decided to not go the expensive route and opted to buy some pumas instead of diesels. I must say they are pretty clean though and have no buyers remorse. After that I hit up the Sports Authority and bought a b-ball pump so that i could shoot around at sterling. I then finally made my trip to Long John Silvers......Ya it was definately odd. There was a wide assortment of colorful looking people. Most notably however were the workers at Lohn John Silvers. The guy at the cashier had a striking resemblance to none other than Kip of Napoleon Dynamite. He had the comb to the side brown hair, the 80's glasses, and the pasty complexion. What was even more odd was his boss was a dead ringer for Janet Reno. For those who don't remember how Reno looks, here is a picture of her: . Anyways i went home and grubbed out for awhile and started to watch the Departed. Deeds called and informed me of bball being played later that night. So i drove over to the girls' apartment and it was Deeds, Adam, Meshell, Victoria, Tara, and myself. We went to the park again and it was Victoria, Tara, and me versus the rest. We got beat sadly enough :(. Anyways before we left we made everyone shoot a trey before we left. Tara definately had trouble making was actually quite humorous because she had a windup pitch shot. She would even run up to build momentum but then she would stop and windup her shot thus negating the whole running we went back to the apartment but i only stayed for a little bit because i said i'd hang out with the jews. I went to the seasons and it was ridiculously filled with beer and more beer in the grass, the pool, everywhere. I kinda wish i had my camera because it looked like a bad college party in a movie. Anyways at the Jews, we played some madden, poker, and some b-ball (video game). Blue injured his foot playing b-ball a couple days ago and the elevator was broke so pretty much he was stuck.
Sunday i was hella tired since i didn't leave the jews til 3. I slept in and missed church. So i watched the rest of the Departed and then headed over to eat Sushi. The Departed was really good although the end was definately odd. At sushi, it was Emily, Brandon, and Sarah. We chilled and I watched part of the suns game there. Afterwards i rushed home to watch the rest of it and then I took like a 4 hour nap. The rest of my day was pretty uninspiring.
Today was a normal day. I went to Pchem and i got an 81 on the test. Afterwards I chilled in the chem lounge. I then went to Physics which was a drag and then i went to the Oriental Express with deeds and Adam for lunch. The cashew shrimp was good but the mango boba was alright. Afterwards i opted not to go to class choosing to do the physics homework with Deeds. After i finished I went home and chilled for a bit before taking another nap. I then woke up and watched my shows and now here I am.
Random Things....
- So i bought the charmin Mega Rolls only to discover, they won't fit on the toilet paper dispenser. It's very saddening haha.......
- There is this girl.....don't know much about her......
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