Something In Me

Currently Feeling- Troubled
Picture of the Day - This is the pic of the one and only James "Sweetness" Go. If only i could capture an image of my character of Fight Night, you would see the resemblance.....
Well the past couple days have involved drinking to some extent. But i'll get to that when i do a brief run through of the past couple days.
Weds was a pretty basic day to start out. I woke up and got ready to go to class. Class was a snooze, we got a take home test that is due Monday. I'm so glad it's a takehome test because i think i would fail it otherwise. After class i went home and played a mass amount of Dragon Quest. I then went to the house and chilled there for a while and made sure things were in place. I then went home and it was raining so i didn't run. Nothing was on tv so i went home and brought out the vodka. i then proceeded to take a shot of vodka, waited 10 minutes, and repeated 7 times until i was drunk. J-bot came home and he drank too but i was done. I then went into my room and talked to Tawni online for awhile then went to sleep. I only got 2 hours before i woke up and nothing could put me back to sleep. So i got online and chatted with Tawni online again.....haha it was funny because when i IM'ed her earlier it was me who was getting drunk and not being able to sleep while she was just chilling, and later on it was her drunk and unable to sleep while i was just chilling. The conversations seemed like deja vu because we were saying the same things we each said earlier haha. Anyways so now it's thursday and i watch tv for a while and i'm chatting with Tawni on AIM. We were having a conversation and then she just KO's so i decide to go to the cactus grill. I went and ordered my omellette and did some of my homework and then all of a sudden i felt like just KO'ing. So i went home but instead of sleeping I played some DQ. I then talked on the phone with Adam for awhile and then i was trying to sort some things out for the trip to cali. After that i watched somemore tv and eventually took a nap for a little bit. I woke up and watched more tv and AIM'ed before heading over to Emily's for her kickback. It was Brandon, Emily, Me'shell, Adam, Deeds, and J-bot. I went and got some wings and then i also took a shot of jager. We then just pretty much hung out and took pictures. Brandon got some corn rolls and they actually fit him i think. We took turns wearing the doo-rag with Sarah hands down looking the most gangster. I'll post pictures tomorrow probably. Anyways it was chill, we then went home and I took a shot of Vodka. Truth be told i wanted to do more but i decided that wouldn't be good. NOw i'm chatting online with Tawni again as she tries to figure out what's going on in the inner workings of my head.
Random Things.....
- The plan for this weekend mainly consists of me volunteering tomorrow, then Me'shell and me are carpooling to Phx. From there i need to get my sis her phone and then i'll probably just hang out with Adam and Co....
- There is an underlying reason(s) for the drinking lately. I mean lately i just feel like drinking but i know there is slightly more to that story. Anyways i dunno there have been a couple things that have been on my mind. I really wish it wasn't on my mind but i really just have no control over what i think about......One is kind of stupid, my rationale and thinking have been a bit clouded and i don't think i have a reason to be green-eyed but alas......the second is more traditional thinking, lol very traditional you could say....i dunno.......haha i dunno i'm ridiculous, but it's kind of funny cuz i know what the trigger was....haha ridiculous........(o man thinking about it, i can't help but feel like kicking myself)
- Wow for such a short paragraph like the one above, it just makes me wanna drink, so instead i'm off to bed.........I'll try to post pictures and update tomorrow.
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