Not a new James but One a Bit Annoyed

Currently Feeling- Determined
Picture of the Day - Hey it's Vicky!
Once again it seems like my blog updating is becoming more and more sporatic, and for this I apologize. However, times have been crazy with homework and other stuff dealings with girls (not the girls). Last week in my trip to phoenix, i got the motivation i needed to get me back on track to finish the school year on a high note (hopefully to say the least). And so far this week I think i've found some motivation except it doesn't deal with school. I would say this week, my pride has taken a hit which has woken me up and forced me to take a look at things differently. Now i know what you are has something to do with Alysha or something romantic......however this is not the case. Rather it is another aspect of myself that i rarely talk about, my pride or ego. The funny thing about it Tawni actually kinda foreshadowed all of it a week ago. Now I want to note that i think everyone knows I'm not a prideful person, in fact i'm usually quite the opposite, i'm usually really laid back and if someone tries to make a knock on me, i usually just don't worry about it. But this past week, a lot of things have irritated me, and some things that some people have said which could have just been harmless, i've taken it as a knock on my ego. A likely and probable reason for all of this may be because of all the stress towards the end of the school year. Nonetheless this week has forced me to take an outward look of myself and realize I have gotten "soft" so to speak. Lets clarify however that naturally, I'm not nor do i try to portray the image of "manly-man" like Frank, but rather i have a very easy going, passive personality. However there is a line between what i am normally, and what i have been lately. So with that note I end this blog.
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