A Roller Coaster Of A Weekend

Currently Feeling- Tired
Picture of the Day- This is a pic of my mum and my sister at Fazzoli's. Ahh family....
Well it's Monday, which means that the weekend has come and gone. This weekend was very different and had a feel of that of a roller coaster. By this I mean that for every good thing that happened, a bad thing happened so my mood would rise and fall all thoughout the weekend.
A little backnote before i get to the weekend.......There has never been more pressure than before to make a move. According to the calendar, i have about a month left before she goes back home. I have made strides in terms of progress from earlier this year but everyone including myself i need to cement the fact that i like her to her. I've been hanging out with her lately (studying and just hanging out) as of late. I just need to make the advancement now.......and with that little background thought i'll get to my weekend......
Ok well today was supposed to be the day that i ask her to Spring Fling. Actually i was supposed to ask her to spring fling a while ago but that's besides the point. I was feeling sure that i would be able to ask her so my spirit was high. Well Ochem had ended and since that was my only class i was going to do it after that. Ok so this is what was going thru my head at the time: 1) usually she walks in the same direction as me after class so I would walk slightly ahead of her and then turn around and see her and stop and talk to her. 2) from there I would either ask her to go to lunch or just ask her there on the spot..................What actually happened was that I did walk in my normal direction except when i turned around, she wasn't anywhere to be found.....What i ended up finding out was that she has work on fri so she heads the opposite direction. At this time i was feeling down. I then get a call from Emily saying that they are going to lunch at 2 and that i should come and can do it then. So that means that i have to wait on campus for two hours until everyone is out. So i chill around the union and then go to Greek Mythology class with Emily. After that we meet up with Trahern and then head towards Alysha's dorm. I bump into Clarice and invited her along. We then met up with everyone at Hopi and then i took everyone in my car to the sushi place. Michelle met us up and we all grubbed out on some glorious pieces of sushi (inside joke). Anyways everyone seemed to like my sushi rolls (Las Vegas Rolls), but they weren't as good as the ones at Takamatsu so it may be something i can do later. Anyways after that Trahern wanted to get some Soy cream cheese so we went to the Sunflower market to check some stuff out. Pretty interesting place with some pretty interesting names. However halfway thru our trip to the market Emily tells me to ask her now so i go looking for her as she is looking for some organic oatmeal. So i start talking to her waiting to interject my question into the conversation. However, I didn't and instead helped her look for green tea and honey for her brother. I saw the rest of the group from time to time, staring at me with a look on their face as if they were saying "has he done it yet"....I also thought it was pretty funny that i could see the top of Trahern's head from the aisles...haha.....Anyways after that I took Emily to Chase's house, then Trahern at Coronado, then i took Alysha to Bank of America cuz she had to make a deposit. So i figured between the drive to the bank and then to her dorm, it would give me plenty of time to ask her. However i just talked to her and enjoyed it a lot that i was a little hesitant to break that and instead opted to ask her later tonight because seh was going to go to Emily's apt tonight as was I. So i dropped her off with a very big high because for the first time i felt truly confident in asking her and plus I do really enjoy talking to her. So at this point i must say i was at a high. So i went home and took a nap because i was tired as hell. I woke up and did some things before heading over to Emily's with J-Bot. When we got there, Trahern, Emily, Brandon, and a couple other people were there but no Alysha yet. So we ate some pizza and started to watch "The Big Lebowski". Finally she did come but not alone, she had brought another guy. Right when he walked thru the door, I saw Emily, J-Bot, and Trahern all glance over in my direction with a look like "oh no". As for myself, all the confidence i built up felt like it had whittled down like a candle burning all night long. For the most part, i had no clue what to do next. i guess all i could do was try to see if they were friends or more than......I didn't get long as they both left early because they had a bike meet early in the morning.....after they both left trahern looked at me and shrugged and then someone asked Emily if she knew what's up and she didn't. I tried to ignore it all and go back to normal but clearly i was very down. We watched the rest of the movie, which was pretty funny but odd......Also some odd happened at the apartment happened, it started leaking from above which made their walls do some funky stuff. Anyways after that we tried (unsuccessfully) to play LotR Monopoly. haha it was pretty funny how they set it up though. Trahern really liked to attack the little toy pieces with Frodo's sword haha.....Anyways we watched LotR: two towers until i looked over and Emily was KO'ed. So i took Trahern home and then j-bot and me went back and I KO'ed.
I woke up and got plenty of encouragement from it seems like everyone and their mother. The big argument that helped me was that whenever i hang out with her, I'm always surrounded by girls that i know so i shouldnt feel bad if she bring one guy once. With that argument (i think it was presented by Michelle and Aditi), i was at another high. I then talked to the Mase and he gave me the last tidbit of wording i needed to make the call. I don't know what it is but Jase knows what to say to make me do things haha.. Anyways i called her and got her voicemail. So after i called her I cleaned up the apartment since i needed to plus I figured i should tidy up since Vicky wanted to see my apartment. It was a couple hours since I called so i figured she wouldn't call so i was a little down. So i cleaned up and then kinda hung out and watched part of LotR: Fellowship on the Ring before deciding to take a shower. Right before i could go into the shower i got a call from her. She said some of her friends were coming in from town but they probably just want to drink and party so she would give me a call when she found out. So that put me in a high. I took a shower and got dressed and headed over to the house. Right before i knocked on the door she called and said one of her friends were sick and that she was just going to watch movies with her. You would think this would be a down for me but it wasn't. This is because i asked her and at least to me it seemed like she seemed genuinely interested in going. I even told her what the girls/emily were doing and it still seemed like she would have prefered to go to spring fling. So no i wasn't down. Anyways i went to the house and Vicky was there so we hung out there and then went to my apt to check out Mickey and my apartment. We then went back to the house and it seemed like we were set to go but Paul seemed really adament about not going to spring fling, so we didn't go. Kinda sad that we didn't go i was actually looking forward to it. So i guess one could say I was feeling down (i know this is a bit of a stretch). We made bubble talk and then we decided to go bowling so we went to BedRox and paid the cover charge only to decide not to wait for the lane to open, so we went to Cold Stone and got some ice cream. It was delicious!! We then drove to the bumpy road and we definately bottomed out and bounced twice haha, it was crazy fun!!!! Anyways after that we drove to the other bowling alley and some truck cuts us off. So as we drive by it, its a bunch of mexican girls and this bald headed mexican guy flipping us off and throwing up gang signs. We make it to the bowling alley and there is a big line to get in, so the bowling idea was officially canned. We went back to the house and started watching Chappelle stand up. Both Paul and Vicky KO'ed for a little bit so i was about to leave but Vicky really wanted me to drink so i decided to stay and drink a little. We started to and then Jason the Jew came over and we all hung out a bit. Tawni then got a call and there was a family emergency and she needed to go home (Real downer). This was a problem since we all drank except Jason but he doesn't come from Phx so he doesn't know his way around. So i decided to go with Jason to help him drive in phx. So we drove, trying to keep the atmosphere light despite tawni being visably disturbed. Anyways we dropped by her house and then dropped her off at the hospital. After that, we went to In-N-Out so Jason could take pictures to prove to his friends that he was there. So after that we went to Jack In the Box to get some food and we drove on the way back.....lol i must admit, the drive was definately taxing but it was cool cuz Jason and me talked about a hell of a lot (High). Anyways it was definately tiring as we left at 1 and arrived back in Tucson at 5AM.
I woke up at 9 and got around 4-5 hours of sleep. I took a shower and went over to the house. I chilled with Paul and Vicky for a bit before we headed over to the Egg Connection with the girls. We bumped into Jason the Jew and Ace which was pretty ironic considering he was the one who showed me the place to begin with haha. Anyways pretty much the whole lunch was an assault on me and how i should have been in this situation with her months ago.....haha...anyways after that i had to rush paul and vicky back and then come and pick up emily at Chase's house. From there we tried to find the theatre because we were going to see "The Birthday Party" by Harold Pinter. I got to say i didn't like the play. I feel kind of dumb that i didn't get the play, but in all honesty i didn't have a clue what was going on. Also a problem was the fact that it was so hot in the theatre that i started sweating. Anyways after that i dropped off Emily and went home and took a long ass nap. Then i just spent the rest of the day just chilling.
Today, for the most part was uneventful. I went to class earlier than normal and i didn't really talk to her today. After class i had lunch with J-bot then we went to lab with Aditi and Melissa as we tried to do our GC/MS. Anyways it took forever and a half. It was pretty cool i guess considering the situation cuz Melissa was pissed at this one girl cuz she was being real bitchy about using the GC machine. She really was bitchy though, just the way she spoke to us and what not. In comparison, there was this other girl, super polite. Anyways i finished that up, and now i'm just chilling, delaying doing my homework.
Random Things....
- Tomorrow i got to go to lab to redo the lab....fun fun....
- With all this talk about my love life (or lack there of right now), i've really under emphasized the importance of my friends. It's really crazy how much time my friends have put into helping me. Yes things have been weird considering the fact that my friends seem to put split into two, but it doesn't mean that i like one more than the other. Anyways along with my old friends, i'm really glad that i've made friends with a couple of new people. Among the few that i'll mention are Trahern and Emily. They are both really cool people.......
- Also i got to say that the drive back with jason the jew was very cool too. We both relate to each other in a lot of ways. We both come from the same background so to speak so it really helps us relate to one another.
- I wanted to go out more and show Vicky around Tucson. I dunno it was cool that we just chilled or what not but i dunno i didn't want to just sit at the house so to speak.
- With 4 weeks left in school, I gotta do everything a little bit better.....i mean that in both school and my personal life.......
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