Thursday, June 24, 2004


Song Of The Day- Homegrown - Not Alone
Currently Feeling- Good
This Day In History- Jason and Steph's 3 month anniversary, and my dad was giving me the jokes about Tawni still.....heh funny stuff

Well the last couple days have been pretty cool, umm these are in no particular order but I've gone to quizzno's to talk to Ashley. It was cool, she sat down and talked while I ate dinner. I also have mainly just chilled with the guys and what not. It has been busy with so much family coming over at one time. I picked up one of my aunts at Sky Harbor Airport while my dad drove to Vegas to pick up my aunt and her kids. Yeah they'll be staying with us til july 12th.....And my uncle Rudy's coming in tomorrow. I've also been working a lot with the caretaker gone temporarily. I've made some money to make up for my playstation breaking and I had to buy a new one.

Anyways yesterday was cool though. I had to wake up early and do some errands. Then I took a shower and I shaved completely cuz I know it'll grow back by the time I go to the Phillipines. Anyways I went to pick up Tawni cuz we were going to get her the massage. I dropped her off then visited Adam for a bit. Afterwards I picked her up and she had the biggest grin on her face. It was great...heh....we went to the mall to smell some perfume then we went back to her house and we chilled there. Tawni, Tara, Shannon, and me are going to Prescott on Monday. I invited my sis but she doesn't really want to go. So anyways we were just chilling in her room. I was on Tawni's bed and I just fell asleep. By the time I woke up, I realized that I slept for 4 hours....heh well I watched a couple episodes of full house. Then Scott called and said he was coming over. Now I've never met Scott and for everyone's sake I refuse to meet Scott because I don't know what would happen so I abruptly left and went home. I then watched the Secret Window with my family then went over to Adam's where Frank and Mike were and watched 50 First Dates. Now I rented it and never watched it but it was a great movie and I only saw half of it. It was a sweet movie it really was. Tawni and me are going to see "the notebook" and i'm pretty anxious about that movie cuz I heard the book was really good.

Anyways the plan for today is get a haircut, do some errands, kickback at Adam's, go to Quizzno's and help them close.

Random things....

Speaking of Quizzno's I had this weird dream. So I was driving and I was going to visit Ashley so I'm about to go to the door but then I chicken out and start running out of the car before they can see me. So I jump in the car and Ashley comes out. She's about to go to her car but there is a car theif there so I peel out and u turn and shine my brights at the theif thus causing him to run off....after that I can't remember.....I think some sort of car chase or what not....

I also saw Around the world in 80 that was stupid....enough said


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