Sweet and Not So Sweet Dreams
Song Of The Day- DMX - Get It On The Floor
Currently Feeling- OK
This Day In History-20th - Deca Can Food Drive....21st - I had a bad day due to overthinking.....22nd- Nothing worth noting....23rd - Had a dream about my ex-girl Ashleigh....
So yeah the last couple of days I've been in an up and down mood. On Fri I went to the big Cactus vs. Centennial Playoff rematch......we ended up winning but it was a really suspenseful game. Joel and me lost our voices cuz we were really into it. Sat I played Madden, did my essay on magical realism, then I went over to Cousins cuz I was bored. Emily and Tawni pressured me into calling VIcky on her cell phone by throwing this ball at me. I ended up calling her and talking to her for a bit, I invited her to go see Gothika but she had plans to hang out with Heidi already but I ended up seeing The Rundown with Adam and friend. It was a pretty funny movie I'd have to admit. Yeah i decided to save up that movie and watch it later with Vicky hopefully......
Random Things.....
Damn Frank, he got me thinking cuz he called me trying to convince me to see the movie, then he said something along the lines of "isn't it funny how she had plans with someone else when you tried to make plans"...i'm trying not to think about it.
I ate at the Cactus Cafe and damn it was real good.....
Frank said it would be a really good idea to take Vicky to Gothica cuz according to him girls were jumping all over the place....
Ok I had two separate dreams....One was pretty good while the other one wasn't so pleasant. The first one was I was hanging out at Adam's house when Vicky calls. She apologizes that couldn't of made it to the movie but she would go next week to make up for it. Yeah and we just small talked for a bit. That was nice.....
The second of my dreams wasn't so nice. Ok so I guess it's college time now. I ended up moving in with Paul and Tawni. I dunno I guess I was ok with it but I guess at first it was normal. Yeah we lived in this pretty big house and all. So I was lying on the couch playing Madden and talking to Tawni cuz I guess Paul wasn't there. Then flash forward maybe a couple of hours and Tawni comes back home and yeah, she tells me her plans.....shutter....I don't wanna say them let's just say they made me kinda cringe and that's why I wouldn't ever consider moving in with them. I'd say that would be the only problem otherwise.
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