Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Journal Writing

Song Of The Day - Goo Goo Dolls - Black Balloon
Currently Feeling - Alright
This Day In History - I Failed My 1st try on my drivers test.

Well last nite not much to it. I went to Cousins and ate the salad. I only stayed for a little bit though. I then went back home.....yeah my nite pretty much ended there...

Today was pretty basic, Journalism were gonna start interviewing. Next week we get to interview a teacher so I think I'll either ask Mr. Ashby or Mrs. Lovett. In 2nd period, Tawni wasn't there. We went to the Electronic classroom to work on the essay. I have a B in the class cuz I did horrible on the admissions essay. That's the last time I try to be creative on my essay. From now on I do it the way I normally do it. 3rd period Yvonne and me finished the camera and we ditched class for the last 10 minutes and we went into Barbie's class to see what's up. At lunch there was an accident. Calc I took a quiz and I thought it was easy so I probably bombed it. After school I talked to Tawni since she showed up to take a test. She's really sick, hopefully it's not related to last year with her stomach. I then went home and took a quick nap....

Random Things.....

I thought I was out of the woods but on Thurs I have to get my blood drawn......shit I thought it was all over....

Plan R2 I'll write in a couple days. There's really no reason except for luck.....I dunno I've told a couple peeps already


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