Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Song Of The Day - N'Sync - Selfish
Currently Feeling - Bad
2 Days Til Valentines Day

I'm gonna guess that tomorrow isn't going to be good for me. Today didn't seem quite right. I've got a couple of shit to do that isn't due for a little bit so I've procrastinated on all of it. Not to mention it seemed gloomy overall. In marketing my friend called the teacher a wangsta....heh what an idiot the teacher heard him and started bitchin at him. In Bio we got our multiple choice back. I did pretty well but Tawni didn't fare too well. She was talking about dropping the class again. I don't know if she will but I would feel bad if she got a bad grade and I've sortof kept her from dropping the class. In math I felt the negative vibes from last week come back again. Let's just say I felt like i did last week. I ditched class about 10 minutes early then dropped off Frank, picked up my sis and took a long deserved nap. Tomorrow school is short so i'll probably just eat out and shit. Moses friend quit his job at the club so i have to try my other friend. If that falls through I'll probably go see a movie. I'm still thinking about doing the whole chocolate covered straberries which will now be dubbed C.C.S. to shorten it. I still feel real bad that she isn't doing anything for V-day. I'm surprised that Paul didn't plan anything. She isn't crying over it or anything like but you can tell she's a little dissapointed. Well that's all I can really think of saying so that's the end


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