Monday, February 03, 2003

Song Of The Day - Edwin McCain - I'll Be
Currently Feeling - Pretty Bad

Yeah today was a really gloomy day for a me and I guess it was overall a pretty gloomy/weird day too. Yeah it's really bad if the teacher can tell that somethings up with you. In AP Bio Tawni was absent, which was probably was a good thing cuz I was really out of it. At the beginning of the day I was talking to Hubert and he asked me if I was alright and I told him I felt like shit, not physically but mentally. Mr. Ashby easdropping heard me and said "why what's the wrong James, Tawni's not here?" he gave me a weird glance which told me he knew what he was talking about. Anyways the whole class I was talking with Jeff who was also having his trouble with Christie. The future looks bleak with those two. I set it up just perfect but I guess it just they aren't right for each other. Anyways yeah most of class I was just kinda staring straight ahead without much expression and I guess Mr. Ashby knew something was up with me cuz he asked Jeff what was up with me. I went with Jeff to his house for lunch and we talked more there. His mom was telling him he could find someone better who won't play mind games. In math Christie was telling me she finally talked to Paul and came to the conclusion that she doesn't like him. Her and Alicia was trying to make me feel better but didn't help much though I did appreciate that they cared. Afterschool I went to the parking lot with Frank and Nat came up and she locked her keys in her car so I gave her a ride to her house then drove her back to school. Then when I dropped off Frank some soph started talking shit about volvo's and the funny thing was he was braggin that he drives a 96' funny....

Random Things....

hmmm....last nite to try and get my head straight I ate out with Adam and Dusty.....we went to Jack-in-the-box then went to Krispy Kreme....this guy hooked us up with 5 free doughnuts..

Jeff just called and he said he's gonna call Christie and finally get a straight answer about what's up with them....I already know what's gonna happen but it's best that Jeff hears it himself....

My lil sis is going 2 the future frosh nite....seems like only yesterday that I went to that.....

heh my mom found my sis beer bottle in her dorm......

I haven't felt this bad in a while but trust me it was real bad today.....


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