Thursday, February 20, 2003

Happy Birthday Mommy!!!!!

Song Of The Day - Stevie Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You
Currently Feeling - Gloomy was a weird day. Today was my mom's b-day, a surprise visit from Marianne, and the gloomy day it has seemed to be. I'll start from the bottom up I guess. well Jeff was really down since the death of his uncle. I don't really know what to do to cheer him up but I'm trying to think of something cuz when I was feeling down he was right there to get me to feel better. Anyways i was actually feeling pretty ok about myself until towards the end of AP Bio. I don't know why but I could probably take a pretty good guess...heh.....well anyways at lunch I went to get some purty flowers for my moms birthday. She wasn't home so I set it up along with my card real nice. I would have gone all out but yeah money was an issue (I'm now broke again). After school I took Barbie to Super Wal Mart so she could get a gift for my mom. We came back and we found out Marianne was gonna pay a visit. So I started studying a little by reading my bio book but next thing I know I'm passed out sleeping on my book. I wake up and do more studying and then we go to PF Changs for dinner. Pretty nice place, you could see a couple people brought their dates there. Food was pretty good I'd say. Now I'm home taking a break from Bio.

Random Things.....

Marianne is back so I'm gonna drive the Volvo to school tomorrow for ole times sake.....

hmmm....I should pay a visit to the italian festival.....

I don't know if I should read Tawni's blog, I mean she said that she felt a little awkward now that I can read it and I don't want her to have to not write stuff cuz I can read it.....
(For Tawni who should be getting this print out tomorrow....MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE!!!!!!!!!!.................PISTACHIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS...........)

I've got to write 100 lines of poetry for english.....I have an idea for one as you should all know what (or who) it'll be about......

My feeling on her are a lot cloudier than before........I know I still like her, I know she likes him, I know they aren't gonna break up any time soon, I really need to get it off my chest, I can't pull myself to do it for fear that she may think I was breaking her trust, I know I need to move on....just a little conflicted


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