Saturday, December 21, 2002

Song Of The Day - Jin - I Don't Know
Currently Feeling - OK

Last nite I chilled over at Adam's helping him get rid of his computer virus. It was pretty funny since his friend downloaded some porn and forgot to delete it and what the virus did was multiply it. We had to drop by Frank's work and asked him for help. He told us he would come by after work. Adam was pissed at his friend and if it weren't for me being there his dad would have exploded on Adam. Frank came he tried to help. I had to go and went home, ate dinner then went to sleep.

2day I'm going Christmas shopping with Frank and that all I have planned, maybe church today if I have nothing planned.

Random Things....

I've been trying to keep busy lately and it's shown since I haven't been home much so far, but I can't help but think about it when I'm laying in bed. I have so much questions I could ask myself "If I had done this, If I had done that" it just all ended the worst way possible. I'm mean they ended up official, I ended up silent and wondering "what if?". What a nice trade off.... .

hmm...tomorrow I'm gonna go with Adam to his family's church potluck....yeah free food = no money loss

No lord of the rings yesterday or 2day, No "2 week notice" yesterday or 2day. I may see LotR Sun with Frank and Jason since Adam is seeing it with fam. I still have planned 2 Week Notice but I have no timetable for it other than b4 I leave to San Diego.

Well that's it for today, if anything of note happens I'll let you know


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