Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Song Of The Day- Our Lady Peace - Somewhere Out There

So very very tired today probably from all the sugar. In APUSH we are learning about the most boringest section in the world's history. Even our teach said that this was going to be the most boring shtt that we may learn just not in those exact words.....I ate a caramel bar in APUSH because I was gonna pass out because I woke up at 5 because I had a Deca meeting. I got on a sugar rush that lasted into the first half of HCT. In HCT we were decorating the room for the little kids. I was working with Tawni most of the time hanging stuff up on the wall since she's pretty short. We finished up and the peeps I hung out with the peeps who were doing the pin the nose on the vamp. (Tawni, Big D(lol), Taya, and myself) The teach then called me to do face painting. Well to sum it up I did the worst job ever. I personally took myself out so that I wouldn't dissapoint a little kid who wanted to have a good face painting. I then felt the sugar rush dissapear and so did my energy. I crashed on the bed for the rest of the 1st part of class. The 2nd part of class the kids came in. They were cute and reminded me when I was a little kid. Mike Philips had this one kid that just loved him. She did everything for him. She tried to win for him so that he would be impressed. When she lost she would give him a big hug. Damn I should have been one of the kid helpers. There was this one kid who didn't wanna play pin the nose on the vamp and I felt bad that he didn't get any candy so I went up to him and gave him a tootsie roll. It made me feel real good. I tried to do it some no one could see me but Tawni saw me and said that's why she calls me a teddy bear. After all the kids left we had to clean up. Afterwards I went to my desk where Tawni began questioning me about the "blog". She kept trying to look at me to crack me into telling her but I stayed strong, but several times I was about to because I have a soft spot for the puppy dog face. She then says "I think I know what it's about but I want you to say it" Now do I think she knows what it's about...yes I guarantee that she does but I still didn't say anything because she doesn't know for sure if she's right. It would lift a burden if I were to tell her but the reason why I haven't always stays in my mind. The reason is because I don't want things to become awkward, she the only person outside of family I can talk so honestly. No one knows some of the stuff I tell her even people I've known since grade school. She keeps asking about it that sooner or later and if I almost cracked today how much longer can I last. After class I ate pizza that made me completely sick. I felt like throwing up.....After lunch Jason and I went to my car to put away my jacket, Lesly almost always parks next to me, I think Jason got a little jealous. In math I was out cold....that's about it for math

Well let see some other stuff....

1st game of the season for the suns tonite, gonna watch it probably while doing my homework......

Halloween's tomorrow, got nothing planned...maybe i'll watch a movie just as long as it's not the scary......

I feel bad for Jason, he was trying to talk to Lesly to see if she wanted to do something on Halloween but he didn't get the chance to.

My romantic mood is fading but will always be there as long as my feelings stay bottled......

I'm soooo tired.....later blogga


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