St. Patty's Day Massacre

Song Of The Day- Lil Jon - Act A Fool
Currently Feeling- Alright
Picture of the Day - Ya she wasn't a little drunk.....
Well last nite was the St. Patty's Day/Adam "Pants" Bastidas party. It was pretty funny with almost everyone getting pretty trashed (except me, i played the role of DD......sad i know haha). Anyways prior to going Jbot and me went over to Emily for dinner. We had salad wraps (sad i know....haha j/k they were pretty tasty) and then we waited for Brandon to get home from work. We ran a bit late as we picked up Vic and then headed to the liquor store for some red stripes. We finally got to Leo's house around nine with Me'shell already looking plastered. Also drinking were Tara, and Sarah. Deeds and Pants were still MIA as they were still at the Melting Pot. When they finally arrived, adam opened his gifts. Me'shell got him a mug with "pants" enscribed on it (we thought of the idea at Things Remembered), Tara got him a Germany? soccer jersey that was pretty cool. As for me, I ordered his gift online (i think it's pretty sick). Anyways most of the night involved drinking, body shots, a little groping, and pictures. Me'shell and Vic then got piss ass drunk and so i had to take them both home. The first stop was Vic's and that was definately interesting. Michelle wasn't feeling well and neither was Vic. So to sum it up i was going back and forth between bathrooms making sure they were both alright. Vic then became a hyper-happy drunk which made her hard to handle because i was trying to put her to bed. Then after awhile Michelle started getting a bit hyper although she def drank alot more and was feeling the repercussions. So ya it was interesting at Vic's place. We stayed until Jaime came and then after chillin there for a little bit, I took Meshell to her apt and got the Emergency throw up procedures together (toilet seat open, trash bag, water, toilet paper). I then started driving back and when i got back to Leo's I left to pick up Deeds and Pants who started walking home (i was gone for almost two hours). So i took them to pants house then i went back to Leo's. The second time i got there Brandon was KO'ed, as was JBot. Tara, Emily, and Sarah all seemed ok. I believe they were all having a big heart-to-heart session earlier. Anyways I took Sarah to the apt (again lol), before going back to Leo's so Tara could pick up her car, then to get gas, then to Star Ranch (the reserve), then finally home. All in all I clocked in over 80 miles yesterday which is not good at all considering i spent 132 at JCrew online yesterday and money is tight for me this month since I have to reserve 200 on something else. All in all it was fun but i think the endless driving and being the only one not drinking was starting to kill the mood. That and the endless cops all scattered throughout tucson.
Random Things.....
-yesterday Deeds, Pants, Me'shell, Tara, Leo, and me went to Fiddlesticks to go go-kart racing. Of course i won. Then we headed over to IHOP and grubbed out a bit before heading over to the girls apt to play drunk jenga (i had to drive home).
- I realize that i really don't like Leo. Like i'm pretty sure i didn't like him before but i haven't hung with him in awhile. He's just too strong of a personality for me. Haha Brandon and me were talking about this.
- here are the pictures
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