Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Quirky James Go

Song Of The Day- Pretty Ricky - On the Hotline

Currently Feeling- Good

Picture of the Day - This is the picture of the mother and her puppies. It is still unofficial but now my puppy is one of the golden colored ones....his name is Tonka (like Tonka Trucks)
So I was in the shower a little bit ago and i was thinking of the few conversations i've had this past weekend and it seems everyone seems to always notice quicks about me. So i thought about it and I do have quite a few quirks, I'm not sure if i have anymore than another person but people love to call me out on them. So without further ado is some of the more popular ones and my explanations on them.
Quirk #1: Mines
This one is probably the one that Tawni and Steph love to call me on, especially in HS. Essentially I will say "That dollar is mines" when correct grammer would be "that dollar is mine". I don't know why i say mines, but my best guess is i probably got it from my parents although i've never actually consciously heard them say it, so it's just a guess on my part.
Status: True and ongoing
Quirk #2: Bad Liar
A lot of people say this but no one has better described it as have Tawni and Victoria. Apparently here are the symptoms: shifty eyes darting back and forth incapable of looking at the persons eyes for longer than a second, Nervous/can't keep still - I have a tendency to need to play with something in my hands like look at my phone or shift my weight left and right, Nervous laughter - They say i got "ha-ha" but its not actually funny and sounds very much unlike my normal laugh. I think that covers the majors on this one.
Status: True and ongoing
Quirk #3: Carnivorous
This one has been mostly apparent during soph/junior year of college. I am always cooking meat. Primarily the big 3- poultry/beef/pork. The best example of this is at one point during this semester i cooked chicken for a couple days, then switched over to beef pot roast, before finally moving on to porkchops using pork rinds as the breading. This was one of the quirks i ultimately decided to give up for lent (which is currenetly still going strong)
Status: True but currently lacking

Quirk #4: Ridiculous/Shady Deals
I often buy a lot of stuff (typically online) at usually ridiculous prices. Some examples of this includes Ipod Nano for Me'shell (I have to clarify due to my personal disdain for apples) at 120 opposed to 200, my phone was 500 but got it for 200, subwoofer for 300, got it for 100. The nano was online through endless looking however the other two were from "friends of a friend".
Status: True but skills and connections dwindling

Quirk #5: Drinking Alone
This one is a bit of a misconception. While yes i did drink by myself earlier last month for a couple days in a row, I typically don't do it. Other times i'll have a drink before bed, something i'd hardly worry about.
Status: Debatable but mostly false

Quirk #6: Cupid Like Abilities
I have an inate ability to see "relationships" or make things happen with other other people. If you are looking for examples, you don't have to look any further than Steph/Jason or Deeds/Adam. With Jase/Steph, well they wouldn't be together if it weren't for j/k if anything i sped up the process. Deeds and Adam, i could tell from the first time we sat next to him in bio class. Not to mention, I've hooked up some odd HS relations like Ian and Christy Weible and Jeff and Christy (oddly thing happened within a month of each other). Sadly there is a tragic fate tagged to this, it doesn't apply to my own love life where i am as blind as a bat (without echolocation to help me :( ).
Status: True

Quirk #7: Central Hub
This one was coined by none other than Sneaky (adam) Magoo. Pretty much what it means is that people are always telling me stuff. Thus the central hub moniker, info comes through me. Personally I don't think this is the case but Adam as well as Tawni disagree.
Status: Unconfirmed

I think i got the big ones although i could be missing some. If i am let me know so i can add them


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