Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Bacardi 151 = The Big Reset Button

Song Of The Day- Haha there was a song playing on the radio on my drive back to the apt.....lol perfect timing but i'm not gonna name that song.....lol
Currently Feeling- Good
This Day In History- 3yrs ago - I left to NAU to go visit Tawni. Frank's family got a new suburban so that is where the jokes of him being a spy came into play because he always talked about how his family was broke. Oh we also tried to hook Frank with Samwise......lol....

So yesterday as a very interesting day on many aspects. It started out quite normally, i mean i woke up at the house early because i had to finish my take home test....i really half assed it by the way. Anyways around noon i went back to my apt to take a shower and get ready. From there i went to class and slept through the lecture. I then decided to head back to the house to water the plants and collect the mail. I was pleasantly surprised to see the Dub-R-X there. So i went inside and Paulbert and El Steph was there. Apparently they were paying Paulbert under the table at noodles to work there today. So he was gonna go to work in a few and i was gonna hang out with El Steph. Before he went, we all kinda caught up since i haven't seen them much. They were kinda busting my chops about not calling them but you know me, once i get out of the pattern of hanging out with someone it always becomes harder to hangout. Anyways Paul went to work and then i decided to get drunk so we went to Noodles to eat and then Steph and me came back and i took 3 shots of 151 and then we headed off to the mall. lol it was pretty funny, we were at Old Navy and i was wondering around the store like a fiend. One of Steph's friends and coworkers was cute but unfortunately she had a boyfriend....haha too bad in my drunken state i think i actually would have tried to spit hot fire at her. Anyways after that we went to Victoria's Secret.......lol i was fine going and wasn't awkward at all until steph tried things on leaving me all by myself at the store right when it started getting packed. Anyways we spent forever there so i sat out on the bench and killed my buzz. After that we went back to Noodles and got some cake and talked to Paul a bit. We then went back to the house and i took 3-4 more shots of 151 to regain my buzz. We watched How I met Your Mother and hung out until Paul came back. Steph then drank a little but Paul decided not to. By the time he came back, i was at the apex of my drunkenstate which means i was at my most vocal state. * I started to talk to El Steph about some things then i started hitting up that AIM........I was talking to Tawni and Ms. Deeds online. When i was talking to all of them, I was fully aware of what i was talking to them about the normal inhibitors that stop me from saying some things was on shutdown. Anyways i then kinda chilled and played fight night with paul. He was beating me last night but i was playing with sucky guys. Anyways after that i wanted to go to sleep but they said no, so i crashed on tawni's bed and almost fell down so many times when i tried to roll over.

This morning i woke up and went out to lunch with them at Jason's Deli before they left. I then went home and took a shower. I went to class and actually paid attention today. I got a 75% on my test which seems odd but was a victory for me considering the circumstances. After that i went back and forth between the house and the apt until i KO'ed for 3 hours at the house. I woke up and got some food at Carl's Jr. Lol there is a cute hispanic girl working there....haha...anyways now i'm at home and i'm about to watch that pirates of the carribean.

Random Things....

- So usually when i drink, i say things i shouldn't say or don't normally would say and it's usually a bad thing. But truthfully, i feel good today. Like i talked to Tawni about some things and i talked to Deeds about some things that were kinda in my mind. But i think it was good because i think for me, when i woke up this morning, i think i'm cleared of those things that i talked to them about. I guess you could say "move on" so to speak although i don't want to coin it as such but i can't think of a better word or phrase to use so i'll stick to that for now. Anyways thus is the reason for the title of my post. I just feel like someone rebooted me, and now i'm back to normal (not that i wasn't feeling normal before but i was just thinking more than normal i suppose).

- So the other question is what about the drinking? Well to be fair, some of the thinking i guess you could chalk up to the drinking, but i have points where i do like to drink and i don't like to drink because i usually try to be the responsible one who donates rides when rides are needed. So will i continue to drink.......well Me'shell's bday is on Fri and i already promised i'd get trashed there and then i've been talking to Vicky and we were talking about drinking together on Sat so i think were going to try to make that happen...haha....

- I also got to thank El Steph and Paulbert for kinda motivating me. Unfortnately it's not what they were trying to motivate me to do but rather something more "random".....lol right now i'm deciing if i wanna tag it with a "plan" name but for now i won't....haha


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