Hating the ------- Zone

Currently Feeling- Risky
Picture of the Day - Picture of me just being my hot self
Well once again i'm in Phoenix on a very random decision. The rationale behind it this time was because i was getting uber bored and i figured i could do something in Phx. But before i get to that i'll update on the past couple days.
In preparation for my new receiver, I decided to straighten up my room and set everything up. I moved my drawers into the closet but unfortunately it was too wide for me to use it. Along the way, Tawni and me went to Applebees to grab some lunch/dinner and then we went back to my place and listened to the slow jams while she helped me clean my room. It was a very good thing that she was there because my stuff was dusty like a mug (literally too, the mugs in my room were dusty as hell). Anyways it was looking mighty nice, I took Tawni home and then basked in my clean, organized room.
I woke up early waiting for the UPS man to show up so i could get my package. I waited and waited until tawni IMed me to see if i wanted to go out to eat. So this time we went to BJ's and i had the bomb cesear salad. Afterwards we had Pazookie and then we hit up the banks before i dropped her off. When i got home, my box was there. I ran into my room and quickly undid the tape. I then saw it, but there was also a very big dent on it. So I plugged it in, and to my horror......nothing........I was so distraught, Tawni called me telling me her internet was working but i barely noticed. After i figured out it was a lost cause for the moment, i went over to Tawni's and tried to try my hand at fixing the internet. However after looking at it, I figured it was something with Cox and nothing i could do to fix it without their help. So after that Tawni took a mini nap while i played fight night for a bit. After a little bit, Tawni looked KO'ed so i left back to my apt. From there i picked up J-Bot because we were having a hangout night since we haven't really hung out with J-Bot for awhile. We went over to the girls apt then Sarah, Me'shell, J-Bot, Little Steph, Craig, and me went to On the Border for dinner. Food was pretty good but around dinner time i wasn't feeling very good. I felt very hot under the collar, and developed a pretty sizable headache. We went back to the girls apt and Me'shell was reading us the Ads section and some of the Freaky-Deaky people that live in Tucson. I stayed for a little bit but left cuz i wasn't feeling good. I drove home, which turned out to be harder than i thought, I took some benedryll, and KO'ed.
I woke up and played some Dragon Quest. From there i really just hung out in my room. I installed my old receiver because i wanted to listen to things in surround. I watched Kung Fu Hustle finally and it was hilarious! It was really funny for me because i'm used to my dad watching those Asian kung fu movies so it really hit home for me. After that i listened to music and chatted on AIM. Clarice-Meh-Bob is back in the states and the original plan was to go to dinner at Takamatsu but we ended up going to Phx. From there her, Randal, Jase, Steph, and me went to Applebees. It was a fun time with Jase and Steph digging into me about my girl situation. It was fun though, always dig hanging out with the Mase as he always knows the right buttons to press haha......
Tomorrow my plan is to go to Mesa to try to fix the receiver, then either hang out with my old bro Ian, or go to the mall and hit on random girls with Jase.
Random Things....
- I really hope Ian gets my message and were able to hang out tomorrow. It's kinda weird because we haven't hung out consistantly since Summer sophmore year of high school but he's always been my bro and I still believe if i were to call him up needing his help, he'd be there and I know if he called me, it would be the same.
- I also hope i get a chance to go to the mall with the Mase. Reason being is because i am feeling quite risky and talking to random girls would quench the riskyness. At this point i don't think i would care if i get rejected (hopefully i don't strike out completely though, never good for ones psyche). I know i'd probably do stuff too, cuz Jase has always known how to get me to do stupid things.
- Man, I've talked to tawni about this, and tonight i also talked to Jase and Steph about it and I really wish i could do something about it, but i think it's for the best not to do anything. For the moment, i'm not feeling good about the decision, but i feel like its the right decision because I think i know the results if i went with the other decision......ho hum ho hum indeed but at least the school year is starting, and thus more opportunities........O ya for those who know what i'm talking about, you guys think i'm making the right decison right? No need to answer it here, just let me know.......O ya and that is what the title is referring to.
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