The Trip From Cali (Updated)

Song Of The Day- Journey - Don't Stop Believing Currently Feeling- Good
Picture of The Day - (Top Picture) - Deeds, Me'shell, and me taking a group picture at the beach.
(Bottom Picture) - Me recreating a scene from the little mermaid haha
Well got back from Cali a couple days ago, i was a little doubtful at first but it was a really fun time. But alas let me start from Thurs (i don't remember what i wanted to write for my last post, i know i had more to write but oh well)
Pretty much just hung out

Lol well i woke up and made sure i had everything. I got packed early and the plan was for me to go over to Deeds apt around 11:45 so we can be ready so when Sarah gets off work we can leave....sounds simple enough but that was not the case. It turns out that i gave my uncle the wrong keys, which essentially means that I gave him the acura keys that had the keys to my apt to it. So I had to leave before J-bot went to work. So i thought "no big deal, i'll just go hangout at the house"......nope couldn't do that either because the key was with the acura keys as well, and i left the garage opener in the Acura as well. So instead i went to Alby's and got some starbucks and headed over to Deeds apt. From there i stole someone's Wifi and was sweating it up while looking up stuff online. It wasn't too long though until Deeds and Adam showed up. They put there stuff in the car and we just kinda hung out in her room for a bit. It was there that we still didn't know what we were going to do in Cali. So i looked up info for the comedy club and then i think we made a decision to go to that, that night. We also decided to nix Seaworld because it was too expensive. Anywho Sarah showed up and we took off to Subway before we left to SD. Lol ahhh the drive, it started out simple enough, i mean the I8 in Arizona is pretty much a straight line so i occupied myself by randomly switching lanes and singing along to music. It seemed Yung Joc - It's going down was in everyone's head so we decided to try to get something else stuck in our heads.....and thus is how we got our cars theme song- Journey - Don't Start Believin. Lol there is also some backstory to this song which led to this being the cars theme song. Back at Michelle's b-day party this song started playing and jokingly i made reference that the song was about Aditi and particular the opening verse....
Just a small town girl (Deeds)
living in a lonely world
She took the midnight train going anywhere
Just a city boy (Adam)
born and raised in south Detroit (actually Nogalas for him haha)
He took the midnight train going anywhere
Anyways when it played in the car, it overtook young joc as the song in everyone's head. Honorable mentions include Beach Boys - Wouldn't it be nice (I'll explain this one later), and Ah Ha - Take on me. ....So ya the AZ portion of the trip was pretty standard as it was just a straight line and we just listened to music and did puzzles. We stopped in Yuma and got food at Burger King. Adam and me were looking at the immense Quad Burger but i opted for the triple instead (bad idea very greasy). Deeds was going to play in the ballroom because it was supposedly the biggest in AZ but when we went inside it smelled like "dirty baby". So we ate and then we tried to get gas but it took forever (the 1st of 5 delays). So we finally got gas and passed the border......but not quite that easily.......When we got to the inspection station i rolled down my window but he started tapping the back window. I took this as we can go but he told me to stop. He then asked me to roll down the back window and asked Adam for his nationality lol. He also asked Deeds but we think it was more because the guy didn't want to single out adam lol.....anyways that was the 2nd of 5 delays. Now something i forgot to mention earlier.....Back when we were in Yuma, Deeds was generous enough to buy me water. However since i am known for drinking mass amounts of water at one time, she got me a 1 gallon bottle of water. Ok now with me, if water is available i will drink it and i proceeded to chug about half the bottle in a very short amount of time. Now in Cali, we were on the mountains and i had to piss soooo bad so stopped at the rest stop so i could pee like a race horse. Thus is the 3rd of 5 delays which we call the "water incident". Anyways while on this break, Adam was trying to leap frog over deeds...haha.......Anyways we left and proceeded to get stuck in traffic on the mountain. I guess it was a really good thing i took a piss break. Anyways we thought it was an accident but it turned out to once again border patrol (4 out of 5). This time luckily we weren't stopped and we happily sped off when we could. From there it was smooth driving until we got to the 805. Now according to Mapquest, it listed our next exit to be I5 North but then it labeled it as heading towards Chula when the split in the freeway occured we ended up going to Chula Vista which was the I5 south and essentially was the final delay of the trip. We finally made it to the hotel and started getting unpacked a bit. The other car was already there (katie, Amy, Me'shell, and Garret). I definately was awestruck at something lol but don't care to go to detail haha. Anyways when we got outside we definately had a predicament in our hands. Earlier we tried to call the other car to see if they could call the theatre to reserve tickets but they never found it. So we thought that we would just go there and buy tickets while the other car thought that the theatre plans were cancelled. So we stood outside of motel 6 with two different plans. 1) going to the comedy club and 2) go to downtown to have dinner with Amy's brothers old roommate, after a bit of debating, we decided to go watch the comedy show. Parking was a bitch but we found a handicap parking on the mountain (in the volvo, there is a handicap permit haha)......anyways we got there and got tickets. I ended up sitting next to Me'shell and i think the funniest part was when this guy who reminds me of Bobby Lee from MadTV, was acting like a snake.....hahhaha....anyways it was a pretty funny show although the first half was definately better than the first....also the crowd gave out some pretty crappy ideas.....but funny nonetheless.....afterwards we were all starving after the show so Adam and me went to the gas station to find out where the closest open restaurant was. It turned out that there was a 24 hour mexican restaurant nearby so we walked there but the food kinda sucked. I was a little worried cuz Me'shell barely touched her food and i remember talking to her and she was saying that she was starving.....anyways we drove back and I decided to sleep on the floor the first nite to be the gentleman.....ya bad move on my part, i barely got any sleep and anytime i fell asleep, i was treated to a very bad dream that definately showed what my subconcious was thinking about.
This was our first full day in cali. Sarah woke up all early and got ready crazy early. This was a victory for me as i quickly jumped on the bed and rested for a bit. We then started to get ready for the beach. The girls took forever to get ready, while Adam and me, and i'm sure Garret, only took but a few minutes. We decided to eat Mcdonalds before hitting the beach and i don't think anyone felt good after eating it. I also brought a water bottle of Capt Morgan to mix with my sprite......mmmmm.....Anyways the actually beach was really fun. We took turns going out to water because someone had to watch our stuff. It was funny, i was turned into a sand merman a la Joey from friends. lol i kept cracking though cuz i was breathing and they made my boobs off center haha. Also i don't know who, but something freaking smashed my "package" while i was under the sand....hurt so bad..haha....Anyways after that I went out to water to get the sand off me. Lol Katie, Aditi, Adam, Michelle, and me stated jumping and riding with the waves...haha it was fun......anyways after that i took a nap on the beach while Adam and Deeds went back to the hotel. I soon followed and ended up getting there before them because they got lost. Anyways we spent awhile getting ready for the rest of the day. The next stop on the trip was Seaport Village. Now somewhere along the beach, i messed up my knee and it was hurting like a mug. So walking hurt me bad....anyways we were there for a bit just chilling. We then got uber hungry because no one ate since Mcdonalds. Michelle was getting a bad headache and I was getting really injured plus i was thirsty. Luckily i was able to fix one of those problems as i was able to talk my way into a huge thing of water for free haha....From Seaport, we went to Amy's bro's roommate Mike. When there the girls were all getting dressed while Adam, Garret, Mike, and me were talking. We were getting to know each other and adam and me were sitting on the table when we saw some dvd's on the table. lol apparently some of his friends were staying at his house because they wanted to go to ComicCon, and from the looks of the DVD, they were into that Japanese Anime porn. lol ya pretty weird, there was even a 5 box set of one...haha....anyways we soon took off and went to this nice Italian restaurant in Little Italy. It was really good food and what not. And with that said HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY! haha Mike was pretty cool but was definately loud haha.....he saw me pull out my phone and called me a CEO haha.....anyways i was pretty much talking to Deeds and Adam during dinner and adam was trying to get me to go to the wedding lol.... Anywho after dinner we walked around SD which was surprisingly really fun despite my gimp knee. We first walked towards the Hyatt to go see the view of SD. Me'shell decided to be my bodyguard and showed me her self defense moves, one of which further hurt my gimp knee haha. Anyways when we got there we were joking about hooking up with the rich geeks who went to ComicCon and were staying at the Hyatt. I was going to use some Pikachu pickup line while Me'shell was going to dress up like one of the girls from the Jap Anime porn haha.......Anyways we rode up the crazy fast Hyatt elevator like 4 times haha. We then got a good view of SD which was cool. After the Hyatt we started walking along the pier. Aditi walked into like this stone minipillar haha......Adam and me also took an awkward picture lol.......We tried to get inside one of the big boats but it was closed. Then Garret and Amy headed off to be alone so we started walking around kinda aimlessly. Somewhere around the Holiday Inn Deeds burped and something came up and back down into a wrong tube so we stopped near Rite Aid (which was closed) and me and my bodyguards Me'shell and Katie went in search of water. There was a bit of a scary moment because right before we went in, there was this really shady guy standing against the wall staring down me and the girls. When we came out he was still there and he was looking more intently. As we were walking I was periodically looking behind us to see if he was going to follow us. I had decided as we were walking my plan if he was following us. I decided that i would give the girls my wallet and keys and tell them to walk ahead while i slow walk and if the guys goes after someone it'll be me and the girls can call the cops or luckily however i didn't have to use that plan. Anyways we chilled there for awhile until we got bored and tired and decided to all fit in the volvo. It was definately a tight squeeze and it was hard for me to drive with very little leg room. We also went the wrong way for a little bit but i had to get gas anyways. Weird enough Amy and Garret got there before we did haha.......When we got back to the hotel we got ready for bed and this time i decided to share the bed with Sarah instead of crashing on the ground. in the middle of the night however i tuned my body and was treated to an elbow in my hurt so bad haha..............
We woke up and got packed and what not. Once again Sarah was up and about so very early while this time Adam and me were lagging because we were tired. We got things set and then we checked out. We were heading to Sweet Tomatoes or as it is called in Cali "Soup Plantation". So we ate and just chatted about the trip and what not. We got a discussion going about children and what not and I proclaimed 3 kids, guy-girl-guy, the oldest bro to protect and the youngest bro to report back to me haha.....anyways we got this great idea to put ice cream on top of the warm brownie and it was so bomb. After that we said our goodbyes and then they took the I10 while we took the I8. The trip back wasn't as interesting as we were all a bit tired. Somewhere along the Cali border we ran into a black volvo s40 that was speeding like a mug so we took turns taking the lead. I then decided to take the 85 to the I10 to go back to Phoenix and then have Michelle pick them up and take them to Tucson. In essense that meant Adam meeting Deedzer's parents haha...When we got there it wasn't too bad although i'm sure i scared Adam a little bit. So i dropped Deeds and adam off there, then dropped Sarah at her house and then i went home for a little bit before deciding to get some chicken. On the way back i saw them all about to take off to Tucson so we said goodbye and i killed my chicken. I was supposed to hang out with Adam that night but i was dead tired.
Overall Impressions of the trip
It really was a fun trip. I was doubtful at first but it turned out fine. There was a bit of a car faction early but after Fri that dissapated. Looking back on it, we didn't have an action packed weekend but the things we did do were fun (but a little painful walking on my knee). I have to admit before going on the trip, i was still a little sore about not going to six flags and i was venting my frustrations at Amy in my head but upon further inspection, it was all probably for the best as Six Flags would take the whole Sat away. I also thought Garret was a really chill person. I didn't really talk to him much on Sat but then we started talking more Sat at the beach and i thought he was a cool guy or whatever. Lol a few times I felt a bit out of place in the room when it was just Adam, Deeds, and me. Lol i tried my best to sleep though the kissy-googly-eyed moments but alas it didn't work haha. Oh ya and i forgot to mention this but every MDX that passed by, i was sure to acknowledge. haha
Random Things.....
- I wrote about being Awestruck about something on Friday....unfortunately as i was writing I remembered something that has been a big detterent to me. If you want to link it to something, it also involves my bad dreams i was having on Fri.
-Speaking of bad dreams, i had a bad one (although this one was like one of those scary ones). In my dream i was still living with J-bot, but we also lived with Sam Reardon(?). Anyways we lived in like this complicated apt that is almost like a maze. Anyways one night it really starts to rain and there are holes all over the wall. Then Pennywise the clown (for those who don't remember he was the clown from Steven King's IT) came and started terrorizing the neighborhood. Then one day my family comes to visit and i was showing them the way out and it led to these stairs but all of a sudden the middle stairs fall out so there is a huge gap. I help my family pass through but then the stairs completely collapse and i'm stuck in the apt complex along with some druggy looking girl, and a priest. The girl ends up being mauled to death by the clown but we start attacking the clown with cereal(?) (i believe it was frutty pebbles). Anyways he retreats back into a room and we are sealing him in using holy water. I start talking smack to it about kicking his ass but then the priest drops the vial into the darkness and starts to try to grab it but i pull him back. Then IT comes out and the cereal is no longer working. From there the druggy girl from earlier who we thought was dead holds onto the clown and pours holy water down his mouth. They both die and we are still stuck there. Finally my dad goes driving through an apt in the MDX and we are saved.
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