First blog of the New Year (A little late)

Currently Feeling- Good
Picture of the Day- This is the pic of the girls minus Deeds. We were going out for lunch but couldn't find a seat so we had to wait......
From Left to right.......Sarah, Michelle, Clarice
Ok well i've been debating a little about how to deal with this post. Since i haven't updated since around X-mas, i feel like i should update on my winter break but quite frankly i don't remember much. So instead i'll type in keywords and whoever wants to know more can ask me about it and i can go into more here are the keywords: new years, zoo, delaying watching movies, drinking.....ok i think that covers it.
So with that i'm just going to jump into the first day back from Tucson and go from there.
So i came back on Sun and quite frankly.....i didn't do much. I watched tv and just rested up. On Mon Joel and Aric came by (joel got his car.....a hundai sonata). Anyways so we chilled at the apt then we watched hostel then drank and smoked some hooka. The next morning we got some sonic and watched some bond before they left. After they left i went to the house and saw how tawni was feeling (flu) and then played some poker. I didn't win but i stayed for the duration of it. i went to Noodles with Adam and then we watched Nick win.
On weds, it was the first day of school. I only had one class (Ochem lab was cancelled) but i went early to run some errands. I was supposed to go to the administration building and to the bookstore but i decided to wait til after class. Anyways so I went to Ochem and it was pretty standard. I don't like the new teacher as much as Loy because he doesn't seem to have the personality of Loy. Anyways class roster wise, it's pretty much the same Aditi, Michelle, J Bot are there but Sarah isn't. Also Alysha is in the class again as well. Anyways class was pretty standard and i headed out to the bookstore while everyone else went to class. I then bumped into Monica (Sarah's roomy) at the mall and talked to her a while (yes a far cry from completely avoiding her haha). Anyways after that i went to the bookstore and bumped into clarice. Talked to her for a few then i got my books and then met up with the girls minus Aditi for lunch. Aditi soon followed suit and we ate lunch til almost everyone had class. i then went with aditi to run some errands around campus then took her home. Later than nite i went over to their apt again and watched Batman Begins.
Today was not as fun as yesterday. I had to wake up early cuz i have 8 o'clock class now (BOO!!!!!). I took john to school but i forgot a jacket and it was quite nippy if i may say so. Anyways my first class was calc where we learned U substitution. The class consists on mainly guys and 2 girls so that's no bueno. After that is my indv class (economics). I didn't know anyone there so that was a bit of a bummer but the teacher seems cool. I had to sit next to some smoker girl which wasn't cool. My 3rd class was Theater appreciation which i also didn't know anyone there. It also seems to be the choice class for sorority girls. Anyways i think that was the first time i've ever heard a prof say this class isn't hard......After that i met up with the girls for lunch then hung out with aditi til bio class. Class sucked and we left early. I dont' wanna talk about shaffer again so i'll link to where u can read bout him from last year if i can find it. Anyways dropped aditi off at home then chilled, watched smallville, and now chatting on AIM.
Random Things...
- The school year has started off on the right foot. As tawni and i have decided it's James v 10.0....haha j/k
- More tomorrow...haha hopefully
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