Christmas In Cali

Currently Feeling- Good
Picture of the Day- This was before leaving Cali. ya don't mind my hair being off to the side i took a nap haha.
Well I'm now one day back from my trip to Cali. I didn't get a chance to update while there but i must say i had a fun trip. Anyways we actually left sorta early. Luckly i didn't have to drive cuz i was tired. Anyways we went straight from AZ to my cousins graduation party. I wore my new coat which i thought was looking really GQ haha.....Anyways i sat with my cousin John john, Candice, Mark, Scarlet (the graduate) and Teza along with some of their friends some of which i knew, some i didn't. Anywho there was an open bar and definately took advantage of it. I had a lot of Vodka and tequilla, along with beer. Anyways my cousin Chris also showed up so i also caught up with him and chilled with my sis as well. John John performed a song for us (he got signed to an upstart record label) and we also were treated to Hawaiian dancers (Scarlet is one of them). Anyways it was a fun night but i got tired due to lack of sleep so i didn't go partying with John John afterwards.
The next morning i hung out with john john as we went around temecula for a bit. We then rented a game "Indigo Prophecy" and 40 year old virgin. We then went to Applebees and had lunch. Afterwards we gathered up Barbie and we played the game. We were at it pretty much all day with little breaks here and there. Then around 7 or 8 we went downstairs because family started to arrive. Anyways ya there was the drinking table with John^2, Candice, Mark, Darrell, Teza, Scarlet, Wally, and Uncle Boy. So we started taking shots after shots of Popovs and it was defintately getting to me. Chris then showed up and he drank a little. He then told me that his ex-g/f left some comments that suggested that she may want to get back together. So we were debating about whether or not he should leave early. Anyways ya i got really plastered and i don't really remember much.....
The next day was just chilling. I played b-ball with Mark, then went to church. After that i chilled with my sister and watched tv and then took a nap. When John came back, we finished the video game and then we watched the 40 year old virgin. After that John and me discussed first date ideas cuz he had a date with one of the girls who went to the party he likes. So we ended up decided that the Wild Animal Park was the best idea because the girl said she didn't have a good xmas and they had light display, animals, and a snowy hill to sled at the zoo.
The next day we tried to lay out the plan but it didn't go as planned. First off tickets are 30 bones per person but we heard that they are 20 at Costco, so we went there but they were sold out. Then she calls and it turned into a group thing so they were all going to the bar. Anyways i hung out in the living room with my sis and my neice Mary Tes. She got a buggy power wheel and it was really cute cuz she was doing all the little things like a real person would do when they drive and she put seat belts on her stuff animal puffy. Anyways she's really photogenic as she liked to pose in front of the camera. Anyways so i chilled there for a little then went to Escondido for lunch. My sis and me watched "how to lose a guy in 10 days" and ate chinese food. After that we pretty much left and i drove halfers with my dad.
Today was just a kickback day. I hung out with Adam and his house for a while. The plan was to play b-ball but he was being lazy so instead we were going to the grocery store with Dustman cuz he was making his g/f dinner. He also wanted to go somewhere so he could see me randomly spit game at a girl so i went back to my place and took a quick shower. We then went to super-wal-mart but we didn't find any girls that were interesting but we did get chicken for Dust. After that we went to Moses' and i played his guitar for a bit. We waited for Al to get off work then we picked up Joel and drove to Costco. We ate dinner there and then debated about what movie to watch. It got very confusing because we each had problems with some movies but we ended up choosing "Fun with Dick and Jane". I really didn't want to watch it but it was a very funny and entertaining movie. I'll write a review tomorrow maybe......
Random Things....
- I'll have more of these as well tomorrow but it's getting late
- One thing i want to note is that i'm glad to see Adam Sandler is choosing more diverse roles. It's odd and kinda sad to see how he has matured through the years. I remember in elementary school, watching him in movies like Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison which were really slapstick, and then moving on to doing Big Daddy which was stick slapstick but was more mature. Then he went on to do Spanglish and now he is doing a movie with Don Cheadle about a man recovering from 9/11. I won't lie, i really thought that Sandler was going to be a a one trick pony but he has really diversified.
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