Friday, December 02, 2005

The Art Of Taking Tests

Song Of The Day- Yellowcard - Only One
Currently Feeling- Relieved
This Day In History- Ok i haven't updated this in a while but i implore you to at least browse some of the archives....i just think its funny to see some of my opinions, theories, and relationships change from a day to day basis.
3yrs ago- Got lost going to my clinical and ended up on Van Buren.....2yrs ago- i talked about a spark although i was hesitant to reveal who....

Ok the school week is over and what a week it has been. My mood has been fluctuating like crazy with me doing horrendous on tests yet some things really working out in my favor. But anyways on to yesterday and today.

Well yesterday had me waking up at 8 to begin studying. I studied a lot from 8-2 then i took a shower and headed off to the library. I IM'ed alysha and she met me at the library which was really cool. Haha we (or at least I) didn't get much studying done but was the first time i really got to have a good conversation with her. I gots to say it was really nice, she's a really funny person and easy to talk to. Anyways we "studied" for a couple hours then Emily (another girl from lab) joined us. I finally started studying a little but not too much. Then Alysha and me left to grab some food while Emily watched our bags. I learned that she wants to do art restoration and she also considered doing oceanography and what not. Anywho we went to IQ and she paid for my food so that i didn't have to go to the ATM (i guess that means i owe her dinner huh steph? haha). So the girl at the register is friends with her and was like "r u 2 out on a date or something?" ya def started blushing a little along with nervous laughter....finally i said "nah were just studying" to which the girl replied something along the lines of "ya sure ya are"......haha anyways ya so we got food and headed back to the library. We then eventually met up with the girls at the ILC and we studied with them until 8 something when i realized i wasn't getting much studying done. So i went back home and started studying a little. I slept at midnight and set my alarm to 3:30 in hopes to study more but i didn't wake up.

Well my first test went well excpet for the id which i kinda fucked up on but i think i got a solid A/B. I then went to trad and took a super easy quiz. We then reviewed for the final. I then went to take the ochem test which wasn't as hard as i thought but with that said i think i did horrendous. Afterwards i decided not to go to math because i didn't want to see what i got on my test. So instead i went to lunch with michelle, aditi, and bottcher. We went over the test and then we i'm sooo tired that i'm off to bed for a while.....

Random Things.....
- So yesterday, was it a bad idea to go to the library knowing i probably wouldn't have studied alot? Well it wasnt' a smart idea and it was an illogical decision in that sense but i stand by my decision and it was enjoyable to talk to her and get to know her better......

- i had other stuff i wanted to write but i'm too tired so maybe later.


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