Monday, June 09, 2003


Currently Feeling - Good

Well these last few days have been a bit weird. They don't feel quite the same for one reason or another. Anywho I haven't updated in a bit due to the mess I made when I switched addresses. I had a choice of deleting my blog completely but I would lose all my archives or I could create a new blog but people could still find my archives using my old address. Well I decided there is just too much stuff I want to keep in my archives that I didn't want to delete it. Anyways I learned a couple things.....One Tawni was right about my friends knowing. As soon as I changed it, I heard some comments about it, I rather not hear.

Anyways here what's been up the past couple days....

Sat we watched 2 Fast 2 Furious.....I thought it was a pretty good movie...sure no story but really, who went to watched 2F&F for the story......

Sun - I went with Adam to gamestop...I decided to buy Wild Arms 3 (I need to start playing video games cuz I'm gonna have nothing to do for a while)....but I had no money.....I went to church and saw Amber for the first time this summer.....then I went to go shoot pool with Jason, Steph, Adam, and Frank.....That's where all the blog shit occured.....oh yeah also so that Adam could spite me...he made a blog.....2 bad I guessed it in my first try....he made another one which I haven't found but if you wanna see his first one then go to from what they said most, they kinda criticized and made fun of the fact that my blog gets kinda emotional, sappy, etc......well shit those are my feelings so I write what I feel whether they are mean, sappy, whatever........I got a call from Tawni....I was really happy...she seems really busy but she's gonna be visiting this weekend......

Mon - I bought Wild Arms and I played that most of the day.....

Random things......

I feel a bit rusty from not writing in my blog for a couple days...2morrow I should be back to my normal writing....

As you can tell I vented some of my anger out....i'm really just dissapointed in my friends right now

Plan JAM has taken a major tumble.....I've been focusing on one part of it so much that I didn't realize that all the other parts are really hard too.....


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