Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Early Breakfast

Song Of The Day - Journey - Faithfully
Currently Feeling - Pretty Good

Well hmmm...last nite everything on tv was about sex in one way or another. I talked to Tawni about it for a while. Sometimes we just have weird conversations.....anywho this morning I wake up at around 7:30 to see if Tawni and Paul were gonna eat breakfast. They didn't so I went back to sleep, woke up at 8:15 then picked up Frank. It was Jason, me, Frank, Steph, and her sis. I had the stuffed french toast but it wasn't that great. I went back home to see if I could find my parking pass to no avail. I then went to Steph's house and chilled there for a while. We then went to school after running into a couple motorcycle cops. hmm....first period Katie kept threatening me if I volunteered our debate first. We kept worrying about freezing up there since this other girl didn't have anything to say after a minute. hmm...so I guess the plan for the weekend is Fri study for SAT, Sat is the SAT and then after Adam gets off work were gonna go watch Better luck tomorrow, then go tp Al's house again. Afterschool I just hung out with Adam for a bit and now I'm watching the Suns get mugged by the spurs.

Random Things....

hmm still in a pretty good mood....

--well just got back from Cousins...I felt like I ate a lot, I got my sub (not the experimental) and I also got free ice cream. Reminder to self.....go back to give Tawni blank cd---

...we made a bet last nite that I said that in 12 years she will have at least one kid and she says she won't. We haven't come up with a reward for the winner yet, but it kinda funny how we were talking about how we better still be in touch in 12 years when in January I was worrying about losing touch after a semester.


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