Sing Alongs And Endless Driving
Song Of The Day - The Ataris - Unopened Letters To The World
Currently Feeling - Irritated
Hmm....this day started out bad, started becoming good, turned a little worse, got a little better, then got a little worse. So I guess I'm waiting for that something good to complete my day. Hmm...I woke up late this morning so I had to rush like no other. It was alright though cuz I sped like a bitch and got there with plenty of time to spare. I'm talking to Troy and a couple of his friends when I hear that Paul had run over a girl. Luckily she didn't die or anything but I heard she got all scraped up. As soon as Paul saw she wasn't killed he drove off, then later pulled over to see if he dented the car. I don't know if it all happened the way it did but if it did that is really fucked up and he should have probably still gave her a ride home or at least called her parents. Anyways in english we talked about wrestling with Jeff, Adam, Mike, Adrian. lol it was pretty funny talking about the good ole days. Then in marketing, usually a really boring class, was alright since we got to talk alot. I told Adrian that I would challenge him but I ended up not (get to that later). I realize that my wallet is at home so I plan to go home. In Bio Tawni wasn't there so Ashby had his fare share of comments. It seemed a little quiet but me and Jeff started singing All-4-one - So Much In Love. We also talked about how it would be a good idea for me to sing it to her...but it won't happen.... At lunch Jeff convinced me that I wouldn't get a ticket so instead I went to his house for lunch. Oh yeah by the way I got an 83 on my bio test. Not bad considering I didn't sleep that nite. Anyways afterschool my mom calls and tells me that I don't have to pick up Barbie. I come home to kick it for a little bit then go to Adrians. Unfortunately my mom calls again and asks me if I can drive her somewhere to pick up something. So I figure that I'm just gonna go to the nursing home and do some moving....nope instead I go to 35th to go pick up some woman then go to Cave Creek to help move some stuff. Ok so 2 hrs out of my life no big deal. I get home and put the stuff where it needs to be but then my moms says I have to make yet another trip. So I just got home, clocking in a good amount of driving and manual labor. I guess I'm alright about it since it's my mom. I'm just a little irritated. Now that I've got that off my chest tomorrow I don't have to go to school til 10:55 so the plan is to go to ihop or denny's and get some brunch with Jason, Adam, and Frank.
Random Things....
Oh my gosh so many times today I could have gotten a ticket. I made so many illegal manuvers on the road but it wasn't my fault cuz my mom and the lady didn't have a clue where they were going. They would tell me left then right, so I kept having to switch lanes. Luckily no popo around so it's all good.
Jeff and Christie barely talk anymore. That's something that I hope would never happen with me and Tawni. Just kinda makes u look at the bright spots and what you have to be thankful for.
Damn Ataris put in dummy files so that it annoys the hell out of people.
Your Heart is Blue
What Color is Your Heart?
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congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy
bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything.
You must be so proud
which happy bunny are you?
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You're "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain.
You're a crying shoulder and a love suicide.
Luckily, though, you'll be better when you're
older, and the greatest fan of someone's life.
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