Monday, February 24, 2003

Here's one of my poems although this is a real rough draft of it. I want to get it to 20 lines and this is probably the one that i will read to the class. You should all know who this is about. Oh yeah if it sounds a little off, I'm not used to using poetry that doesn't rhyme that much. So please bare with.

The Person
By James

No longer the person I once was
I look back to the past before her
The person I used to be I no longer recognize
The person I was a few months ago
Feels like an eternity
No heartache, no depression, no second guesses in my mind
I thought with a clear head, not a cloud there to find
But that was then and this is now
My mind has been turned into a labyrinth
One path leads to another, then another back to square one
Every night I sleep confused and wondering
Why am I the person I am now and not my former self?
She has become an unattainable treasure
A dream that can never come to be
But I cannot find the heart to move on
Although I don’t have the strength to take the punishment
Yet with all my problems and questions that stem from her
I would rather still have met her and be miserable
Then return to the old ways not knowing who she was


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