Monday, January 06, 2003

Song Of The Day - Justin Timberlake - Still On My Brain
Currently Feeling - OK

Well today was the 2nd half of the school year. I got my new classes, and it's a little weird but still cool. Also today was a test for me, Well first let me run through my classes. 1st hour is English, I have a whole bunch of peeps in that class so it'll be pretty cool but the class may be hard. My next class is Marketing, I've got Adrian, Troy, and Randy in my class so it should be pretty cool. My 3rd class is AP Bio. That class could be hard but I do have Tawni in that class along with Jeff. While on that subject I will say today was a test for me. I still have feelings for her but I was able to control them without feeling sad for myself. I'm not going to try and break them up despite a lot of my friends and cousins telling me to try. It's just not in me, trust me I don't like Paul and i'm not doing it for him, but i can tell she likes him so who am I to do something like that. Sorry bout getting off subject so I'll move on. My next hour is math in the thunderdome. I was surprised that some people weren't in my class like Amber or Leslie but I guess they made two separate classes.

Random Things....

Adam finally got his system and it's pretty sick.....

I finally got Capt. Mallow back, but Tawni did tell me that Bun Bun raped him, it scared me but then Capt Mallow "attacked" him(not attack but "attack"). Really scary I worry bout Capt. Mallow....

This whole thing with Ricciee and Tiano will never end, I honestly have no clue how it ends but I see the end of the Ricciee era and hopefully soon a new era will begin cuz like me, my couz is a romantic, but what happens when there is no one to be romantic too?

Well today marked my new start, I haven't done this since frosh year, I mean I used to have a crush on Leah since frosh year but that's all it was, and then there was Tawni but my hands are tied on the matter, so it's a new start for me with an unpaved path ahead, so it's time for me to blaze a new trail (and I suggest you should too Tiano)


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