Monday, January 27, 2003

Ok let me explain a little about my post, from what i said, I feel weird for some reason. The reason is that I got to school this morning and I saw them walking together. and I thought that sure I have one class period with her but that's it while he has every other moment with her. That's why I felt kinda out of it today. I don't know what brought it up cuz I always see them together but today seemed to hurt a little more than usual.

Now onto yesterday....I had Adam and Dusty just come over and kick it at my house at the super bowl. It was pretty sick on the big screen and surround sound.....until the whole neighborhood blacks out. We go outside and you can hear all the pissed off guys who were in the middle of watching the Bucs hand the Raiders ass to them. What a debacle.....I'm surprised yet I'm not, I thought it would be closer but at the same time that's about the same score when the Bucs played against the Raiders in Madden (right Tiano).......

Today other than the whole Tawni-Paul thing bugging me today, I had to figure out something for Jeff and Christie....I can't only give them advice but I can't make a move for each of them if they don't want to. Also I need to find someone to go to Amber's party with. I asked Jeff knowing he wouldn't go but I may be able to convince him otherwise. I may be able to get Christie to come, or just some girl since I don't want to go to the party alone. Well Amber's probably gonna be busy with her friends, Tawni's probably gonna be busy with Paul and her friends, Pat I don't know if he's gonna come becuz he may be out of town. and I doubt I'll know a lot of other people.

Oh yeah I knows she knows more than she puts on....I can tell but one thing I've learn is not to say anything until your completely sure


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