Sunday, October 09, 2005

I Never Know What Going On......

Song Of The Day- Babyface - When Can I See You Again
Currently Feeling- Good
This Day In History-3yrs ago - I went to Pioneer and almost hit the curb trying to figure out the stereo controls on the steering wheel of the volvo s80 with Tawni, Nat, and Becky in the back seat haha. 1yr ago- LOL the kickback watched hundreds of times. It was at Joels house, with Adam, Dusty, Mike, Vicky, Aric, and me. That was a fun night and since it was recorded we watched it so many times.

Well today started out normally with me waking up at 11 cuz adam the jew calls because we were supposed to go study with Tawni. So i head over there andwe study for like 3 minutes before realizing it was pointless. I then played 2k6 with adam and lost......Then right before we left i asked if I could borrow their mop so frank coiuld clean for shannon. I accidentially said broom the first time but when i corrected myself i guess tawni didn't hear me so she told me it was in the closet and the only thing closest to a mop was like the swivel broom so that is what i thought she was referring to. She then said something and i actually got kinda angry. I really don't know what came over me but i just got mad for a little which isn't very normal for something as trivial as that. But anyways after that Adam and me went over to Applebees for lunch and then he came over to my apt and i killed him in madden again. (I need some competition). After that I studied for a little more and watched Richie yes Richie Rich with Maculley Culkin (spelling?). After that Shannon dropped by so I had to rush to finish the slow Jamz that Frank wanted. After that i chilled in my room for a little bit and Shannon's sister and her friend came over. See now this is where i got confused, originally frank asked us to take them out so they could have their alone time, then he said he didn't need us anymore, but then he says he does. He comes into my room and tells me to take them to see a movie and gives us money so i was like sweet. So both their names were Ashley by the way. So we go and head over to Aditi's to pick them up to watch the movie too. Sarah and Aditi are there and i eat some of their pizza and we are off to go watch the movie. The movie we ended up seeing was "Waiting..." I really didn't know anything about the movie with the exception of Andy Milinokos being in there. So we watch the movie and it is hilarioius....i really couldn't stop is crude humor but it was very well done although i must admit the actual storyline was thin.....

Random Things...

- Right now my neighbors are throwing a party and are as loud as hell.....

- The Ashleys were cool. At first i was worried that they were going to be like our neighbors but they were cool to hang out with.

-Tomorrow is another rousing day of football and homework...tomorrows plan is Ochem and maybe more history with a side of random hw like lab stuff.

-Lol so when i got to Aditi's apt they were talking about how i like sarah's roommate but barely talked to her at the if anyone has any ideas on how to improve myself so this tragic event doesn't happen again write in the comment box or leave a blog comment or hell even call me to leave a suggestion on how to fix that.....602-471-2101....i'm standing by......hahahaa


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