Sunday, April 10, 2005

Spring Fling '05

Song Of The Day- Akon - Lonely
Currently Feeling- I don't know

Well this weekend has been fun, very long but very fun. So lets start off with Thurs. After bio Marty and Paul were supposed to come over and play poker but unfortunately the game got cancelled so instead of I went to the house to help steph study. I got there and i guess Paul was trying to get this girl from his work to go to the spring fling with her and Marty was talking to me about how Paul was doing it all pretty funny...anyways so went back inside the house and I helped steph a little while getting my ass handed to me at Tekken 5. Afterwards we played poker between Marty, Paul, and me and Marty ended up winning. Afterwards we went to Super Wal-Mart to buy a poker table. Unfortunately they did not have it for sale, so we went to the other Wal-Mart to look for it. They had it but it was not on sale so we did not buy it. So we were wandering around wal mart trying to decide what to do for the rest of the night. We ended up going to the fun center at Wal Mart which is only 3 claw games and 2 shooter games and a basketball game. I don't know but we spent like 5 dollars worth of coins. Pretty useless but it was funny. Afterwards we went back to the house and ended up playing another game of poker where i won this time. After winning i called it a night and went home.

Well i ended up chilling for a while. I had lunch with El Steph and Frank and then i helped Steph study for her chem. After that i played some basketball with Jason and friends then took a nap. Michelle and the girls were going to the spring fling but Adam didn't come yet so i declined. Finally Adam came and we hung out around the dorm for a while before partying up with John and Botcher and going out to dinner. We got some alcohol before hand though. I called up the girls and we met up with them. Lol it was funny Adam tried to get botcher to get on this motorcycle and pretend to ride it. he was going to do it too but Adam got greedy and didn't want to spend the money but just as they would have made the bet, the owner of the bike, a huge ass biker came that would have been so funny. Anyways we ate dinner at El Paso and for Adam's b-day i paid for his dinner. After dinner we went back to my dorm so John could get his cigar and then we picked up Frank. We went to the house along with the girls but we first stopped at the store to guy some stuff to mix Vodka with. Steph called and told us to hurry our asses cuz she wanted to drink too. So we all came back and we started drinking and hanging pretty funny Adam and Botcher were fucked up. I was worried about frank though cuz he was really depressed. Anyways i had one vodkarade (vodka + gatorade) and 2 amber bochs (spelling?). Ya so then we went to IHOP and it was funny Adam was saying the stupidest stuff and Botcher got yelled at by the waitress because he tried to order from the senior menu. Anyways after that Michelle drove the two drunks and me to get adams stuff. We dropped off Botcher and then we went back to the house and then the girls left and we all crashed for the night.

I woke up and Frank, Paul, and me went to Home Depot to get some bricks. We fit in about 80 in my MDX and the rest in the WRX. Afterwards we lugged them into the backyard then we went to the car wash to get our cars vacuumed. Then we went to Burger King which was Paul's treat. After that i got some food for adam and went back to campus. We called John and Botcher over and we went to the rec with jason's friends to play some b-ball. We lost against his friends but i got my toe stepped on by this huge guy and got elbowed on top of it. Afterwards we chilled and i cleaned my room. Adam and Botcher left and i went to the house. Vicky arrived and with tawni, frank and aditi we went to dinner at nothing but noodles cuz paul was working. We then went back to the house and back to noodles cuz tawni forgot her keys. After that we went to the house again and frank passed out so we left him and we went to Spring Fling. But before we could do that we had to look for a bank which ate up a lot of gas and time. We then parked at the fair and we got our tickets. We took a lot of pictures and they bought a lot of food. Aditi and me then went on this one ride where they lift us in the air and then drop us like no other which was pretty fun. Then they bought more food and then we went on the scary ride. It was one of those rides where u go through a haunted house. I went with aditi and we were laughing the whole we got even more food and then we just chilled around the fair before going back to the house. I felt bad because Vicky was feeling under the weather. So we got to the house and i started drinking a little but then the lack of sleep from the night before got the better of me and i passed out for a while before paul woke me up. Paul was drunk as fuck and started hitting on the girls which was funny. We had to make sure he didn't do anything too bad. Afterwards paul just started playing video games and then frank and me got some food. We talked a little and then when we came back paul passed out in front of the tv. So we ate the food and then i couldn't sleep so we were just on the computers. Finally i fell asleep around 4

I woke up and took frank to work and then started my homework. I then chatted online with Michelle for a while before going to my bio TA's i don't know if i ever mentioned it earlier but he's a pretty weird guy but cool. So i got to his house and he's got the ET contamination like tent. He showed me around his garden which includes poison ivy and the most painful plant in the world which he's got growing in the front yard (the plant is from australia for those wondering). Anyways he gave me the materials i needed and then i left and went to the house cuz i had to look something up. I talked to Vicky and she wanted to move beds last nite but i was on the spare bed. the funny thing is she thought i was frank so i got a good laugh out of that. After that i went back to the dorm and did more homework. I then went to Clarice's dorm to help her fix her computer and Michelle dropped by to say what's up. Then i went to the highland market but nothing appealed to me so i started heading to the union. I bumped into Michelle and she joined me and we called botcher to join. We ate at Mickie D's and reminisced about the weekend and botcher trying to order from the senior menu. After that i went back to my dorm and did more reading and ya that's about my weekend.

Random Things......

I'm trying extremely hard not to think about some things because i know if i do i will get completely off track and i don't want to do that. and plus i just dont want to think about it.

Ya i've been hanging out with a lot of girls lately....i'm not going to complain though......and plus were all really

pictures will be up on my photoalbum which i will post up later


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