Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Song Of The Day- None.....
It has been 3 day(s) since I've listened to a slow jam

Very weird day...... I can't even remember what I did in APUSH anymore. In HCT the first part was pretty normal, during the break I got some water and was waiting for Adam but I didn't see him so I went back to class with Tawni, Becky, and Natalie. After break I crash on the bed and Tawni sits on the bed next to me. She starts asking me why she can't read the hidden part of the journal. Anyways I could have done it like I've always done it and dance around the question but this time I told her that it was about this girl and how it progressed from nowhere to I like her. It was weird of her to bring it up so abruptly like that but then she started asking why I can't tell her who the girl is. The next part got me pretty worried, she was like com'on I won't tell, then she asked if it was her. I wasn't sure if she just threw that up or if she is starting to suspect. I started getting a little paranoid and she noticed it. So later, she gives me a pic of her homecoming while the teacher talks about the coop halloween party. I signed up with Tawni to do the pin the tail on the vampire. Then we just talked while she laid on my leg. I told her that she reminded me of Adam's dog who likes to sleep on me too. Oh yeah I also crushed my finger when we were rearranging the desks, it hurt like a bitch I couldn't feel it for the longest time but Tawni gave it a kiss which made it feel better. Anyways I don't think she's read it but I think she suspects. At lunch nothing out of the ordinary. In math, Harry Potter forgot about my passes. Now probably the dumbest thing I could have done happened. First off I need to learn how to lie, during class Amber asked me if I liked Tawni. When asked the question I started turning into a beet which pretty much gave that away. She kept saying that I like Tawni but she wasn't quite sure yet, but I thought that it would be better to tell her and also to keep it a secret. So now one of her close friends know, lol just great, my prediction is that she'll tell Tawni by the end of the month. Afterschool I went to Robots with Adam and Sopheak. We met up with Ian but once again I got a little upset when he was like "where's dirty couch?" I didn't know what the hell he was talking about so he was "you know Tawni" I said that wasn't cool and I think he was able to translate my opinion with my facial expression that I wasn't joking. He doesn't know and hopefully this whole thing will remain on the d/l. After Robots I went to Adams and he crushed me in NBA2k3 because Jason kidd fouled out by halftime. I then go to circuit city trying to look for Joaquin but no avail.


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