Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Song of The Day- Ludacris-Move Bitch
Word of The Day- Dismantle

Well the past couple days have been prety good. My auntie left for the Phillipines, I guess that she and my uncle James are having some martial problems. Also today my little sister went to her friends house without telling my dad so when he came to pick her up and school she wasn't there. He was pretty pissed at her. At first he wouldn't pick her up or let me pick her up. Then my mom called and convinced my dad to let me pick her up.

I've decided to get rid of my dark look. I liked it my frosh and soph years but I think i'm in need of a change. I've gotten rid of my spikes and for now just have my hair partially combed back. I will also try to smile more in my pictures so I don't look so evil. I asked my girl-friend (not girlfriend but girl-friend) and she said that I didn't look threatening but other people comment on how I look evil which I guess was a complement. Probably the main reason why I want to change appearance is because I don't care what people think as much as I did when I was younger. Also I'm not a mean and evil person as I look in my pictures. I'm actually a pacifist, I don't like to use violence as an answer (although occasionally I use my intimidation factor a little). The funny thing was that the comment that made me consider my look was some dude from the findapix forum. I was in a forum where you write about what you think the person below you was thinking in his picture. Some guy said "I can kill you with my glasses" After I read that I knew it was time for a change.

I'm learning CPR right now in HCT. I'm actually am glad i'm learning how to use it. Maybe one day I can save someone using the knowledge that has been bestowed upon me.... but then again maybe not.


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