Friday, October 25, 2002

Song Of The Day- Michelle Branch- Everywhere

today was a great day....not only was it a Fri but everything seemed to go my way except for one. I had to go to school early because I had to study for my test. I saw Amber and Tawni at the bus stop this time. In APUSH I did a real good job on my quiz. In HCT I did good on my terms quiz but I fukked up on my Test. Oh well I guess I shouldn't be greedy. I gave Tawni last weeks joj and once again she always has to know what's in wingdings. I hope she doesn't spend time trying to decipher it. During break I got caught in a real awkward position. I was walking with Tawni and Ian comes up beside me, he starts talking to me and the whole time I was wondering if those two were gonna say something. Luckily he just avoided her and I tried to get out of the convo as quick as possible. 2nd half of HCT Tawni had a h/a (headache) so I let her lay on my arm while we watched the STD movie. After class I walked her to her locker and gave her my cell # so that we could watch Sweet Home Alabama. I then turn back to look for Adam and we go to lunch. I ate lunch then went with Adam to go move his car to the back. I guess his sis moved out so he gets to keep the cavilier until his sis moves back in. I go in Adam's class and help him with his homework until the bell rings. In math, nothing out of the ordinary..... The teacher asked me to teach on Thur since she won't be here. I didn't wanna so I declined. I helped Amber with her math also. After school I grabbed my stuff and got Frank and got in the car. I was trying to rush home cuz report cards came out today and I was curious. So I cut 3 cars in the parking girl that I cut in front of started giving me the finger. I opened up the window and she was bitching at me to get at the end of the line. I told her that if she ever wants to cut in front of me then she's allowed. Then when I closed the window me and Frank laughed our ass off....I drop Frank and go home since Barbie had early release.....I got my report card....straight A's...hella good....I showed my dad and he gave me a choice, I can either get my car now or I can let my mom get her car now and I'll get mine next year. I dunno what I'll pick i'll probably ask a couple of my friends then make my decision when I go to visit the volvo xc90.

My plans for the weekend are subject to change but here they are

Fri. clean up my room, then if I can I'll go see Jackass with Adam and Mike. We'll also visit Ian at Fazzoli's.

Sat- depending if Tawni remembers to call we'll go see Sweet Home Alabama. If that doesn't pan out I'll use my free passes and go see the ring. Jeff said it was a scary movie. Also more cleaning of the house

Sun- homework day. Also me and Pat are gonna go feed the homeless for church.

Well that's it for now later blogs.


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